Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trick Or Treat

Controversy still rages over the Illegal Alien Halloween costumes that were being marketed by the Target Stores. Target claims they have stopped the sales of the item, but the costume is still being sold and  the FOX Propaganda Network has chimed in recently to let us know that they find this little costume, "fantastic".
The costume can still be purchased from Amazon and The Americans For Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has called for it to be the "Most Popular Halloween Costume Of 2009"!
 In fact the President of ALIPAC, William Green has said that he would wear the costume on television if anyone anywhere would want to interview him. And why not? The stunning costume comes with an Alien Mask, a flattteringly fitted orange jumpsuit and a stylish bright green card,,,,
I think the costume is quite charming on the right person. I understand that it comes in a range of sizes, large, extra big triple XXX and Simply Gigunda. All fitted to flatter the bulging bigot within.
I would suggest that this costume be used to outfit the entire family in a charmingly themed "Halloween" Togetherness experience. The entire family of dumfukistanians can enjoy the holiday spirit of the season in their dumfukistanian enclaves, going from door to door, Trick or Treating and making starement of their beliefs at the same time.
Then they can spread the spirit of the jollity of the season amongst thir entire community.
Just be careful of Ole' Jimmy Joe Budderly at the end of the road...a little dim these days, slow on the uptake but quick on the trigger.............
Publish Post


  1. Gotta love this retailer for being so on target. This outfit was part of the Young Designers collection, but the designer is so young he didn't know about alien abduction anxieties. It seems the costumes were so popular folk couldn't wait til they got home to wear them and this triggered sheer terror in the shopping malls (not dissimilar to the War of the Worlds broadcast). This and the risk assessment that followed was the real reason for the outfits withdrawal from sale. It appears that a large and growing proportion of the American public have alien abduction fantasies/memories/trauma and further sightings of the costume are likely to cause mass panic.
    A better idea for a halloween costume is to dress as Alex from A Clockwork Orange - your trick (if there's no treat) can be to force the homedwellers to watch human rights documentaries - such as John Pilger's The War on Democracy, or Wetback by Arturo Perez Torres. Or your very own amateur doco.

  2. I plan to be at the Halloween Parade In New York this year...I have to take pictures.
    What will the dominant theme be this year? The last time I went was in the midst of the Bush Regime.....
