Friday, November 13, 2009


In the last 2 weeks that I have been in America, I have heard one thing over and over again from many friends. You might say that I was under the impression that I was looking at America as if it were a big glass snow bubble...I sometimes had the feeling that I couldn't really accurately comment on America because I wasn't there!

The thing I heard over and over again was that I seemed to be more informed about American politics and news than most Americans. I have to concur after spending a week gleaming shards of the repetitive "fast news snacks" that are drummed into the American psyche by the endless repetition on CNN and the other News services. The major network news ignored the real stories and kept me titillated with their peep show of bites for the attention deficit plagued population. I did try to watch FOX, just for the sheer peversity, and  it only confirmed my worst fears about the mind rot infestation it feeds on.
FACTS? They decieve and you believe!

So, I got most of my news from the regular sources...reading it on line and magazines.
While I was there, the House passed the administrations much tampered with Health Care Reform Bill...that seemed to be a real positive step forward. It really bothered me to find out that the STUPAK amendment had been voted on, which refused coverage for abortion procedures. Just another case of fat middle aged MEN dictating womens health issues based on their warped moral lens...I didn't see anyone get too upset over the fact that these guys made sure their Viagra was covered...oh, right...a man's right to an erection because as Monty Python put it, "EVERY SPERM IS SACRED"!

Again, the Catholic Church raised its hoary, wrathful zombie corpse and continued its campaign to bring back the middle ages. This issue is galvanizing women in America! It would seem to me that again, the Catholic Church, by its blatant and intense lobbying has committed a fundamental violation of the line separating Church and State. Again, they have defined themselves as a political action committee as opposed to a religion thereby negating their tax free status. They inserted themselves into another political debate and used the threat of religious sanctions against Catholic lawmakers who opposed their will.
And again, today, they have thrown themselves into shameless blackmail against the District Of Columbia if the city of Washington refused to change a same sex marriage law.

The blackmail? They woud be compelled to end the social service programs they administer in the city. This woud affect tens of thousands of people who are homeless, needing of healthcare and adoption services.
Now my question is: WHERE IS THE IRS?

It's not only the Catholics who have crossed this line blatantly and very publicly!
Face it! If the law was being enforced, these political action groups masquerading as "religions" would lose their tax free status. If they were at least prosecuted and fined, it might go a long way to easing the deficit!

The Catholic Church is holding the needy inhabitants of Washington, DC hostage if there is same sex marriage.... excuse me...screw them!



  1. The general IQ of America was lowered when you left for France. Surely you have it much better there, despite Sarcozy, that we here with those idiot teabaggers and fundamentalist freaks.

    Yes, sell the Vatican, the crystal Cathedral and Bob Jones University and feed the poor of the world.

  2. Welcome home to France. I'll be among those who attest to the accuracy of your "across the pond" observations. But I already told you that. Hi to the Missus!

  3. Thank you Mr. Revere. It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you in person...
    Thank you Mr. Mudrake....
    You both should check out each others blogs....

  4. Hello Microdot,
    It is good to have you back here on your blog home. We have missed you but I am sure that you have a whole bunch of posting ideas to be posted.
