Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thank You, Matt Groening

A clip from the November 15th episode of The Simpsons. Thank you, Mr. Groening for helping to show why the tiny hyper president is even more ridiculous than his idol, Silvio Berlusconi. Les Simpsons is the most popular animated series in France, would the little ego maniacal fascist ever try to censor this episode?

Sarkozy hates Obama now and is obsessed with him. He has tried to exploit Obama's popularity at every opportunity he can percieve, only to be ignored and rebuffed.
The sooner the rest of the world gets the number of this corrupt little opportunistic fascist and learns to ignore him and put him in his place, the sooner france can get rid of


  1. Wow, you really have an opinion of that guy. Here I mainly ignore Berulsconi. That's probably not good, but that's my way.

  2. Mike, perhaps I express too much of my opinion of him for my own good. You are probably right, as an expat to ignore Berlusconi.
    France has had far right governments in the past and it always has been able to swing back, but I see lines being crossed here.
    Every dirty trick in the book is being used.
