Sunday, November 29, 2009

We Have Met The Enemy And They Is Us....part 2

I was in the United States hooked into network news when the Fort Hood massacre occurred. The massive, non stop coverage that included the minute by minute speculation by the various talking heads of the entire spectral range of opinion was over whelming.

The spin from this event is still dominating the right wing nut thought patterns. The backlash threatens to affect the lives of any middle eastern member of the American Military Services and the paranoiac reation will further poison the lives of any American citizen or legal resident of Middle eastern Origin.

This is the manipulation of paranoia in America. This is how the events are used to control you! To influence your opinions....This is the effect of dollar driven political sensationalistic pseudo journalism.

The picture above is of an American Citizen named Mark Campano who resides in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Last week, Mr. Campano accidentally injured himself in one of his  frequent explosions in his apartment in Cuyahoga Falls, which is a suburb of Cleveland. Did you hear of this in your newpapress or on the network news? Why wasn't this story of any interest? Mr. Campano is a white, right wing extremist, like The Neo Nazi in Belfast, Maine, James Cummings who I wrote about in a Post from march of this year, We Have met The Enemy And They Is Us. Mr Cummings was actively engaged in constructing a dirty nuclear device to  to bring down the Obama Administration. Luckily, Cummings, an eccentric, secretive millionaire was shot by his abused wife. The ensuing investigation uncovered the real danger which Cummings was about to unleash on America.
Here's the story from the local Cuyahoga Falls newspaper:

CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio – Following a pipe bomb explosion Monday night, police and federal law enforcement officials are trying to figure why a Center Avenue man turned his apartment into a bomb factory.
Police said no charges have been filed against Mark Campano, 56. Police found 30 completed pipe bombs in his apartment along with components to make more, plus 17 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Campano is in an Akron hospital with injuries received when one of the bombs exploded.
As police and federal authorities puzzle over Campano's past and what he planned to do with the bombs, a former neighbor said Campano often railed against the government.
Barbara Vachon lived next door to Campano at the Center Park Place Apartments for several years and said he was a big reason she moved.
"He was always trying to get me and another neighbor to listen to anti-government tapes and watch anti-government videos," said Vachon. "I would never watch them. He was some kind of radical, and he didn't believe in the government."
She said there were other warnings.
"There were a few times I heard minor explosions from outside the apartment building, and he would scream that he had hurt himself," she said. "I never knew what he was up to."
Vachon said Campano seemed to be most active at night.
"There was a steady stream of creepy visitors going in and out of his apartment," she said.
The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is also investigating the case.
Of course, if this had been a Muslim extremist caught with such an arsenal, we'd be getting talk-show panels on Hannity featuring Michelle Malkin ranting at length about the threat of Islamic jihad, blah blah blah. Not to mention chatty discussion on Fox and Friends and Morning Joe.
But instead, because he's just a white anti-government extremist, hey, let's just give it a big shrug.


  1. "This is the manipulation of paranoia in America. This is how the events are used to control you! To influence your opinions....This is the effect of dollar driven political sensationalistic pseudo journalism."

    'They' of course don't know that they are being controlled, manipulated, because they have given their minds over to the Brainwashing Department of the Right-wing Nuts.

    They just bobble their heads and mouth the words, marionette-style.

  2. I'm glad I'm not a Muslim-American in the army these days.

    Thanks for a great post, Micro.

  3. Muslims are getting a bum deal allover the western world these days.
    Yesterday, the Swiss voted to ban the construction of minarets.
    The ultra right natioalist party used graphics that made the minarets look as if they were missles.
    The interesting thing is the muslim population ratio in Switzerland and the origin of Swiss Muslims...they are almost all of eastern European origin.
    Thr construction of minarets was never an issue until the conservative nationalists amde it into one. There are 2 minarets in all of Switzerland.
    There are 5 in France.
    There are less than 200 women in France who wear buhrkas, yet the right wing has made it an issue....
    The women who wear the bhurkas in France are for the most part, 2nd or 3rd generation muslim women who have taken the practice as political and orthodox religious statement which they wouldn't have felt neccessary if the prejudice against them was not so apparent.

    How often do we create the problems, the unforseen effect of our actions.

    The entire situation in Iran, with the level of defiance by the Ahmadinejad government is a direct result of the Bush Middle eastern policies.
    By telling them that they cannot have nuclear weapons and cracking down on their nuclear energy research, in effect, we are forcing them to need to develop nuclear weaponry....
