Monday, November 16, 2009

Where No Man Has Gone Before...

 Yes another Star Trek trivia post. You need to know this, right?
This alternative version of another the Star Trek pilot was only recently discovered of all places, in Germany. There is different theme music and the opening narration by Captain Kirk is different than the final series. Each scene of the episode opens with a caption.

Unlike the other pilot version, "The Cage" which was incorporated into a Star Trek plot line, this version as been forgetten and overlooked until recently. It will be included in the upcoming BlueRay compilation to be released next year.


  1. The poor picture and sound quality remind me of those 50's B&W Saturday morning space shows like Tom Corbett Space Cadet.

    It hearkens back to the silent films that I thought were so odd and old when I was a kid!

    Where has the time gone?

  2. Where has the time gone?

    Well, where it always goes.
    Where no man has gone before!

  3. Microdot, you never cease to amaze me. I thought that I had seen or knew all on the Star Trek aspect but yet; you have dug up this piece. As always, “Good Job My Friend!”
