Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catchin' The Spirit!

Dang! Now I feels all Christmassy!
It took a little while, but somehow this picture touched me in a place
where I have never been "touched" before!


  1. Is that Nancy Reagan on Santa's lap? Sure looks like her.

  2. I grew up a huge fan of Mr-T! Thanks to Mr. T I have strong bones because I always drank my milk and didn't do drugs. "Kids! Drink your milk. Don't do Drugs!, I pitty the fool who do drugs man!"

    If I remember correctly, Mr. T was a big part of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No". I think "Just Say No" was a decent idea as far as an attempt to steer kids away from starting drug use, but as a public policy, it was a useless waste of money that just glossed over the "Prison Planet" mentality that we still have to this very day.

    Being "tough on crime" means supporting an incarcerated person for like 80,000 dollars a year, when you could sent the same guy to MIT or Harvard (or to an Owens Community College welding certificate course) for half the money.

    Education is the answer to ALL the problems of the world.
