Thursday, December 17, 2009


Support Moveon's campaign to recall Joe Lieberman. Enough is enough, do I have to list his backstabbing self serving history of masquerading as a real politician?
He collects a salary to serve the people of his state. He enjoys free health care and he is getting paid off by the pharmecutical companies and insurance to screw you!
Michael Moore thinks we should hold the entire State of Connecticut responsible for re electing the weasel. You can click here to donate to Moveon's campaign to demand his recall. Why reward his unethical two faced hypocrisy any longer?


  1. Hooray! Moore and Al Franken are the only two Dems with balls!!

  2. Hello Microdot and Muddy,
    We all remember well when Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic primary because he was not representing the interest of the people of Connecticut and then went before the cameras stating, “OK I get it, I got your message, vote for me as your independent candidate and send me back. I will represent the people of Connecticut!”

    Yes the Democratic Party purged this scumbag but then turned around and gave him another chance based on the promises he made.

    As Albert Einstein stated so well, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

    Why did the citizens of Connecticut, (or the rest of the country for that matter,) expect anything different than Joe Lieberman being Joe Lieberman?

  3. He won't be going anywhere, but a lot of Democrat Dinosaurs do face extinction in 2010

    Hoax & Chains is over!

  4. Yeah Carl...over $1,000,000 raised in less than 24 hours.
    Geez that would buy a fuck of a lot of teabags....jealous?

    Speaking of DINOSAURS!

  5. Hey "Carl", I'm always interested in knowing who is posting on my blog and I clicked on your "tag" and found out that you are just another pond bottom scum sucking con artist....

    Not interested in your opinion and mind games, an utter waste of time and you go straight to the trash the next time!

  6. Anonymous7:12 PM

    There is no recall provision in CT state law, so if you're giving to recall him you've been hoodwinked.

  7. We are hoping that he will be repossessed....
