Friday, December 04, 2009


While we are anxiously awaiting the trailer for Glenn Becks Movie, the massive corndog soon to be EPIC FLOP, The Chrismas Sweater, which premiered last night in a few theaters across America, let's watch the trailer for The Teabag Movie...I kid you not, this is real...what's more pathetic than a bunch of deranged losers angrily pissing on their own shoes?
By the way, the box office nubers for Beck's movie premier were 17 paid admissions in Manhattan, 30 or so in Boston and not too many more in Washington, DC. The Harlem Boys Choir was scheduled to perform at the gala Manhattan Premier, but called at the last minute and cancelled when they realized who had booked them...........



  2. Thank you Steve...
    I have to share that one with the world!
    Perhaps Glenn Beck is a prime customer for this innovative entrepreneur...
    After seeing the traile for "The Christmas Sweater, I realized that it wasn't abpout a piece of clothing, at all...
