Friday, January 01, 2010


The Noughties are over and the Terrible Teens Commence! Microdot wishes everyone a much less stupider decade! In able to make this decade less stupid, we all have to try to be smarter...craftier...we need SUPER POWERS! 

First, all of us bloggers have to start thinking in blog years...sort of like dog years, but different...I'm not sure how it works out individually, but, I have calculated my actual blog age to be 16. If you wish, I will use my ability to calculate your actual blog age for you!
Some of the amazing new super powers I woke up with this morning, were the ability to see that there was always enough time to do what I want, the way that I want.
Another valuable super power is the ability to remain calm in spite of the yammering hordes who want you to do something stupid, anything, NOW....
I also woke up with the new incredibly improved ability to proofread my writing and punctuation.
I can actually speak more coherent French on the telephone.
I am empowering all of you with these super powers!
Together, as a league of super blog heroes we can face the Terrible Teens and prove that we are more terrible and in spite of whatever stupidity lies in our doesn't matter because
HAPPY 2010!


  1. I am totally embolden by these newly bestowed powers, Microdot! I shall use them most carefully and efficiently, lest I waste a single precious drop of the Empowering Fluid that was concocted as the decade turned.

    Ever grateful,

    Mudrake esq.

  2. It might be impossible to have a stupider decade, but I bet we'll give it a try. Happy New Year, Microdot.

  3. The naughties, is a good name for the past decade, but I'm more inclined to call then the Ought Naughts!

  4. I hope you are using your awesome new superpowers for the good of mankind and not just multitasking while watching multiple chanels on tv...

  5. Best wishes for a superpower-endowed 2010 to you, microdot.


  6. Gotta tell you dot, it's still the "aughts", which is what I call them. A decade is ten years, and a millenium is one thousand years. The last millenium ended with the end of the year 2000, and the first decade of the new millenium won't end til the end of its tenth year, 2010.
    And no, you don't get to choose any ten-year period. If you say "the" decade, you're talking about 2001 through 2010. If you say "a" decade, well then it can be any little old ten-year period you want.
