Friday, January 22, 2010

Corporate Bimbocracy

Well, Howdy America and come on down! Welcome to  your new plush corporate bimbocracy with simulated corinthian leatherette upolstery, paneled with the look of real oak and feel that only artificial plasti-chromium plating can give you. Your luxurious bimbocracy is artificially flavoured with an exotic mixture of simulated expensive cheeses that only the most sophisticated chemical synthesists can cheaply duplicate, for your personal pleasure!
We are offering you a selection of specially selected candidates to stimulate your viewing pleasure and to give you the hands on real action feel that make you think that you actually have some kind of real time involvement in the much too complicated and time consuming  world of government, which is best left to us....
You will be handed a list of approved choices at the polling station if you wish to participate, but  remember. voting is just a special way of letting us know how much you love us!

Or so it would seem, after yesterdays Supreme Court Ruling which did away with limits on campaign spending. This would allow lobbyists and corporations to tell candidates in effect, play the game the way we want, or we will destroy you. We already have a media that is in effect a monobloc...yes there is  various shades of  debate, but  on the same day that this decision  was made by th3e Supreme  Court, the  Progressive Media voice, Air America filed for bankruptcy. A controlled debate, a one sided media is the way that Silvio Berlusconi controls Italy.
You can complain about the Supreme Court decision, but actually, they were doing their job, rendering an opinion from arguments that lawyers made based on the interpretaion of the original wording if not the intent of the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution never envisioned a world like the one we live in. If the wording of the Constitution allows loopholes that can be exploited by corporations to control government by spending, spending, spending and our attempts at limiting the influence is deemed unconstitutional, then the document must be amended.

This decision which on the surface seems to empower one party, is actually something that grass root Americans on both sides of the spectrum should and can fight! This decision can unite Americans who might disagree on many other issues to agree that the constitution must be amended to prohibit the control of corporate interests by limiting the money they can donate to campaigns. It's not free speech when money is being used to limit your free speech! I have recieved a few different pleas to sign petitions today to this very end. Here is a very good here to add you name!

1 comment:

  1. Great Photoshop, microdot. How sad that my country is now heading down the drain with millions of idiotic numskulls cheering it on.

    'Freedom of speech' they believe when they really haven't a clue. Not one iota.

    How much does a hectare of land cost in your neck of the woods?
