Friday, January 08, 2010

Could I Have Some Extra Jelly With My Toast?

Now, I can't say I blame him here. Many of us want cranky Republicans to shut up. But, we're not the Chair of the Republican Party who is telling them to shut up. Michael Steele is:
Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele has been under fire from other Republicans ever since he was elected to the post. And lately there's been a new wave of criticism. So, naturally, he's upset about it. But the way he's responding? Well, that's all Steele's unique style.

During an interview with ABC News Radio Thursday, Steele said of his critics, "I tell them to get a life. That’s old Washington, that’s old ways, and I don’t represent that, and that kills them.” He went on to say, "I’m telling them and I’m looking them in the eye and say I’ve had enough of it. If you don’t want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.”
So, do the critics shut up? Or does Steele get fired? I hope they battle it out for awhile.
Meanwhile, you can visit the Keep It real With Mike Steele web site and see who's been sittin on his lap today! This guy is the gift that keeps on givin' and if I can help him keep his job , well, I'm gonna will do what I can!
I can only surmise that the plan is to guaentee the impotence of the Republicans for the forseeable future, for that, if there was god, I would have to say, "My hat's off to you old Fellah!"


  1. Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele is from Maryland where the Republican Party tends to be more moderate in their political views. This is not to say that we don’t have our share of the right wing nut jobs, but for the most part, we are moderate. Steele was merely adequate when he was just the one term Maryland Lt. Governor before he and the Republican Governor were voted out.

    Now Michael Steele is getting grief from the extreme aspects of the National Republicans, Birthers, Tea Baggers, etc. Now I do have to have some respect when he told his fellow Republican critics, “I tell them to get a life. I'm looking them in the eye and say, I've had enough of it. If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way." It has been too long since anyone in the Republican Party taken control and set the right wing nut jobs set as to how extreme their viewpoints are. The Republican’s will never move forward until this happens and should the moderates fail, “THEN GOOD RIDDANCE” along with the "CRASHING & BURNING" of the Party.

  2. Gingrich said yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that many Conservatives have problems with Steele because of the color of his skin. Gingrich went on to say that he supported Steele, but his rather off hand comment is very telling about the real make up of the party.

    As I have said, Steele's bizarre deportment and inability to coherently deliver a message makes him my favorite choice for the position he is in.

    If it causes consternation and internal bickering in the party, it can only serve as a negative, destabilizing influence in their ability to operate as a unified party.

    I think at this point with Steele, they are damned if they keep him and damned if they get rid of him.

  3. Yesterday, Steele said on the Christian Broadcasting Network:
    "I believe God placed me here (as Secretary of the National Republican Committee) for a reason"

    We can only surmise the reason was to keep the party as impotent as possible in the near future and if there is a god, well, a tip of the hat to you old fella!
