Saturday, January 23, 2010

Earth To Doris/Robot Girl

A little more wasnotwas from the period, around 1992, of the last piece (Wedding Vows in Vegas). Here we see Dave Was doing what he does best....He performed these very special spoken word pieces with the band and Earth To Doris is pretty good...It's obvious that there wasn't anyone who was doing anyting like this then or now...They are still one of my all time facvorite bands.
Robot Girls was huge dance hit at the time and gives a glimpse of the perfect machine that wasnotwas was.............


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Get on the floor, everybody walk the Dinosaur!

    Yo, Microdot,I was going to mention Don Was, but a bit too embarassed!

    Laci--away from my home computer

  2. What's to be embarrassed about?I first saw them in NYC at The Mudd Club in 1979.
    Born To Laugh At Tornadoes is still one of my favorite recordings...
    I had the cassette when it came out, then I bought the cd... and I gad to buy another.
    I was kind of hoping if I posted I'd get a post from Dave Was...
    They were touring again 2 years ago with a reformed band, but that seems to be over now.

  3. Ah, Night Music with Sanborn and Holland...brilliant show, the last bit of late night TV that I ever regularly watched - always an act on (like Was Not Was)that would get me hence to the record store. Ta, Microdot.


  4. You guys speak a foreign language to me, but, what the hell, it is interesting to dip in.

  5. DB, here in France we have a great show hosted by the drummer Manu Katche called One Shot Not that is a lot like Night Music. Katche and Sanborn are old friends and he is a guest once in a while.
    I hear so much great music on that show and there are really interesting collaborations with Katche as the catalyst.
    On Thursday night was the reformed Madness, Archie Shepp, Charlie Winston and band called Novelle Vague.
    Next week we get to see Cesaria Evora!

    Mudrake, you didn't like Wedding Bells In Vegas with Franky Jr.?
    A satirical classic! Youhave to hand it to Frankie Jr. for having enough self humor to have done this.

    Too bad I can't find a video of their piece with Mel Torme, Zazz Turned Blue....

    There is a great Don Was Concept record where he pairs up country and soul artists in fantastic duets.
    The epitome of the record is a duet between BB King and George Jones. They do the tear jerker song, Patches with layers and layers of strings and synthesized strings and a neat little stinging guitar solo by BB King.
    It's worth the price of the record alone and is a pretty good psychic geography lesson about Detroit...
    at one time 2nd Ave wqas the dividing line between the black section and the white trash section...
    Rythmn and Blues and the White Southerners who came up to work in the Auto Factories and brought their music with them.

    "Last Night I spent The Night In Detroit City."..the opening line of Green Green Grass of Home....

  6. Actually, Don Was did some world music recordings a while back: Cheb Khaled and Ofra Haza. Our Old chum Jim Osterburg is on the Ofra Haza album!

    I like Born To Laugh At Tornadoes as well.

    Muckrake, I don't know what to tell you.
