Friday, January 08, 2010

How To Speak Tea Bag

Award winning animated cartoonist, whose work has been featured on this blog, Mark Fiore is recieving death threats ala Danish style over this 90 second animated cartoon called, Learn To Speak Teabag.

The cartoon was originally posted by Mark on his blog and then picked up by NPR on their website. It has been available on YouTube since November 19.
Last week, Bill O'Reilly picked up on it and broadcast a diatribe against Fiore, the cartoon and NPR, claiming that they were part of a Liberal Jihad....

Since then, Fiore has had a constant stream of threats and even death threats from enraged "Teabaggers" who have been incited against him.
Mark Fiore compares his predicament to that of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the prophet Mohamed caused rioting across the Muslim world several years ago, and an attempt on his life last week.

Fiore's video, which appeared on NPR's Web site, causing outrage from some conservative commentators, offers a tongue-in-cheek 90-second lesson in speaking like a tea bagger.

"If you're having trouble understanding the words of others, use Tea Bag's stronger, more descriptive ways," the narrator suggests, to which a tea-bagger is seen responding: "Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!"

Fiore has attempted to offer an olive branch to his opponents, responding on his blog,

"To all of you who have written emails and comments, I really wish I could respond to every one of you. I truly appreciate your taking the time to write, even if we may be on different sides of the political fence. If there is one thing that my politically mixed San Francisco/Idaho background has taught me, it is benefit of continuing a discussion even if you don’t agree. Too often these days, the Left and the Right immediately shut down if you are deemed to be from the opposing camp. Here’s to good discussion even if we don’t agree.

Now please don’t kill me."


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Great attachment clip as there is a lot of truth in jest. Mark Fiore receiving death threats, just like his Danish counter part, just goes to show how extreme the political right wing nut jobs in this country have come.

    Whether it is Muslim extremist calling for the death of Kurt Westergaard or Bill O'Reilly and the Teabaggers calling for Mark Fiore’s death, I think draws a very good parallel for those in this country to take pause and a good look at who these people really are.

  2. I think the more alarming fact is that Marks piece would have made its impact and amused those who were disposed to agree and get its humor without causing much of a fuss until, O'Reilly decided to hype his outrage from his pulpit and mobilize his mindless minions to the threat of "liberal humor".
    Liberal humor is a threat, especially when you are a conservative fundamentalist who can barely even tell a good fart joke or thinks that the latest edition of long ded Art Linkletters new book, "Burning Palestinian Kids Say The Darndest Things" is the goshdarn cutest thang...

  3. Unfortunately for the real teabaggers, the subtlety was way over their micro heads. No doubt they believe that this video promoted their cause.

    More sadness for the millions of Americans who think that the teabaggers may have credibility.

  4. Hey Muddy,
    You bring up a good point. I saw an interview on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show where they interviewed a Teabagger at the Republican Convention. The Teabagger was grandstanding and made the comment that the job of “Community Coordinator” was nothing more than a “Gateway” job to becoming a “Crack Cocaine” dealer.

    Of course Jon Stewart had a field day exposing how stupid this person but to continue with the best part of this story, after Jon played this goofy bastards comments, he still did not get the absurdity of his viewpoints and comment. This Teabagger called and asked if he could get DVD copies so he could give it out to friends and family.

    The lesson here is that these people are so fanatical beyond any redemption that really believe this crap and have no clue how stupid they really look to the sane segment of the population.

  5. One only has to look at the performance art of the group "Billionaires For Wealth Care" and how they could just show up outside of a town meeting and hold one of their "demonstrations" and the idiots believed it all and were willing participants a parody of them selves.

    Sarah Palin is taking them for a ride, whe has eschewed her appearance the annual CPAC convention this year...because it's not a paying gig!
    Instead she is going to be the final speaker at the Teabag Party for well over $75,000 not including perks!

    Dhe makes Michael Steele look like and under acheiver.
