Thursday, January 21, 2010

Loving Lieberman

A brainpolice exclusive! We have managed to get ahold of the layout for Joe Lieberman's super top secret Cosmo Magazine nude photo shoot! Joe is in a bit of trouble with his Conneticut electorate and is taking a page from the proven Scott Brown new Republican playbook, he signed a deal with Cosmo to recast him as another solid Republican Hunk!
Another conservative bimbo with unbounded ambition! You go, Joe! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Scary Photo for most sane people but for the Sarah Palin/Teabaggers…..Totally Hot!!

    The Connecticut Electorate gave Joey Boy a pass on the last election and Joe did not let one opportunity go by that shoved his corporate paid for member up their collective sphincter muscles. Bottom line here….they got what they deserved.

    Now the Bush/Cheney appointed uber conservative Supreme Court ruled today that Corporate Oil, Insurance, Banking, Toxic Waste, companies can now flood the airwaves supporting their appointed Corporate Stogie Representatives.

    When campaign money floods Democracies, you loose your Democracy. The voice of the middle class is lost and when you loose the middle class, you loose your Democracy.

    I have seen this happen in South America too many times when I was serving in the Navy down there.

    Viva la Corporaciones!! Estados Unidos futuro!!!

  2. I think that Italy is the approriate role model here.....

  3. Microdot…yes I think that the latest ruling of the Conservative Supreme Court has just handed the U.S. to the Corporations, destroying our Democracy as we have known it since the 1907 laws that were passed to limit corporate purchasing of our government.

    Those who think that if it is wrapped in the Conservative blanket so it has to be good and sent to defeat the evil Liberalism.

    Well a prefect example of this is “The Italian Christian Democrats” who were just another delusional “Christian Values” group proclaiming they were guided by Christian moral principles. Their campaign messages were statements like, “They were going to fill the ethical vacuum left by the decline of Christianity.” Their symbol for their party was a crossed shield.

    The Christian Democratic Party was a conservative right-wing party that dominated the Politics of Italy for almost 50 years from 1944 until its demise amid a welter of corruption allegations in 1992–1994.

    In 1992 an investigation was started in Milan that uncovered endemic corruption practices at the highest levels that led to many arrests and resignations.

    After the dismaying result in the 1992 general election and two years of mounting scandals which included several Mafia investigations, the party was disbanded in 1994.

    Of course this is the same message that the Republican’s have tapped into with the Sarah Palin delusional religious crowd.

  4. Lieberman! Yuck! That's the first word that comes to mind. That was quickly followed by "conman". Shyster keeps ringing too.

  5. Engineer of Knowledge--Yes, but I wish we could find palpable proof of corruption in the US system. I have to believe that Scalia and the other five clowns are bought and paid for by special interests, as opposed to working for the public interest.

    Someting is going down in the USA and I don't like it.

    It's too easy to use wedge issues to divert the attention of the electorate from the real issues.

  6. And I keep saying that the monobloc control of the media and the manipulation of hysteria and faux issues by the noise machine is the real elephant in the room that no one knows how to deal with.
    My real point with the Lierberman piece is about the marketing of of candidates...we are heading for a real bimbocracy.... Custom Crafted Figure Heads who are controlled by the coporate interests.
