Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pandora's Box Italian Style

In Southern Italy, The Calabrian town of Rosarno has been torn by riots by immigrant workers who have been protesting the persecution and working conditions they have suffered the last few years. The local Mafia branches contol the agricultural industry and have encouraged the immigrants as a for m of cheap exploitable labor.

They protested their treatment by boldly protesting the local "Ndrangheta Mafia" and actually surrounding the house of the local Pesce clan, which even the Calabrians never dared to do.
The results? A reign of terror against the immigrants. Shootings and vigilante mafioso roadblocks and the actual hunting down of stray and "rebellious" immigrants in the streets of Rosarno.

Two days ago, the immigrant community fought back and rioted. The locals of course have been whipped into a racist frenzy and have committed may acts of violence which they justify as self protection.

The video embedded above was posted on YouTube by English white racists, the comments below the video are harrowing. The level of cowardly racist hatred proudly on display, the lack of sympathy or understanding of how the situation developed is depressingly like the blind race hate of the 20th Century Aerican South.

Now, hundreds of immigrant workers are being forced to flee and are being picked up by the police and put into camps. The local people watched and clapped. This is the Pandora's box of racism that the Italians have opened biting them on the ass.

The only black Italian parliament member, Jean-Leonard Touadi, expressed fear that this wouyld be used as an excuse for mass expulsions of all those who are not completely legal.
He said, "African Immigrants need to be helped or the Italian South will this year become like Alabama in the 1920's, just like Rosarno is now."
Read the entire article in todays Guardian by clicking here.
here is a new video from Medicine sans Frontiers that gives a real, honest picture of the conditions that the agircultural workers in Rosarna were protesting...


  1. Yes, it's truly ugly what's going on down there. There's often less newsworthy racial incidents in the north too, where there are large immigrant populations.

  2. Before Christmas I wrote about The Northern League and the situation with their door to door searches for ptentially illegals.
    I hope yu checked out the Guardian article I referenced that documented the mafia's involvement in the agricultural induatry as a key force in what impelled this.
    What is happening in Italy is hysterically ugly and overt, but the same
    Here in France, it is still "covert' but every day more overt as the discussion and the laws regarding "Identity National" is pushed forward by the sarkozy Government.
    Today, it was revelaed that suddenly, people whose parents were not French and never acquired a formal certificate of nationality, which is a rather recent invention, could be challenged as not being French.
    The level of manipulation and legal machination has taken on a hue that can only be described as Vichyesque.
    This new law would affect perhaps a fifth of the population and would include many prominent French politicians, artists and public figures.
    There is a push to have the writer Albrt Camus ensghrined in the Pantheon, but under this present new ruling, Camus was never French.

    This could be another big tipping pointmfor the incredibly unpopular sarkozy government.
