Friday, January 29, 2010

Phoenix 1901

I don't hear too much French Rock that really excites me. The French Pop Music scene is really small and controlled by the industry so you have to look hard to find something original. Most of the really great French Rock Bands I have heard in the last few years have had to go beyond France to exist.  (I was in a very original French Rock Band that had to come to NYC to exist) I have been hearing this piece since last summer and it didn't really connect until I saw them on Thursday Night on the Show, One Shot Not on the French/German ARTE Network.
These guys take are part experimental, dance and pure pop pleasure. They perform intelligent disciplined music that has a sense of humor and quirkiness.
The song, 1901 seems to be a big international hit from their 3rd recording, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. So far I like everything I have heard them do.


  1. True, the French pop music industry has been moaning for a long time about various issues: in particular how it is eclipsed by Michael Jackson and Madonna. But given things such as Lorie and Alizee, why shouldn't this be (never mind I sort of like both artists)?

  2. Britain is a Little Place, yet the diversity of artists and the influence they have had on the rest of the world is astounding.
    Plus there is a celebration of the misfit, the odd individual, eccentricity is a gift.

    France has produced great individual artists who have been able to become legends. But Brel is still the most widely immitated "form" of "Chanson Francaise".
    There is a lot of good music lurking here, but you will not hear it on the radio.
    There is a lot I am still discovering and a lot of stuff I really love. Did you know the band Telephone in the 70's and 80's?
    Desir Noir? Renaud? I love Manu Chao, but he's from Barcelona.

    I still listen to the radio on earphones at night before I go to sleep in bed...a habit I acquired as a 12 year old with a 6 transistor radio listening to alien foreign music from Nashville late at night and Blues and Gospel...

    I listen to BBC World and then a few local stations from Perigueux and Brive and late at night, there are some venues for different music.

    Lorie? Gack?????

  3. As far as the French music industry moaning about the domination of English speaking artists...
    It's true, they had to pass a law requiring stations to play French artists...but the play lists of the stations reflect the market.


  4. I just heard that these guys won the alternative music award at the Grammies last night!
    The French Press release refers to them as a quasi unknown band in France.....
