Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State Of The Union

Sorry, this has always just felt so right........
and it's, like, so right now!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Bluto’s speech is as correct and accurate as many statements that have come from the mouths of some of my fellow Republicans here of late.

    For instance when former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani told George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning, America , that “We had no domestic attacks under Bush,” a statement that obviously was as stupid as anything Bluto said….Problem being….Bluto was a character made to make you laugh in a movie where as Rudy is from real life.

    Of course there are so many statements of Sarah Palin has made just takes Bluto’s ignorance and puts them on steroids….but again….she was the real life Vice President candidate presented by my Republican Party. Just like Bluto, Sarah too could not tell you correctly who fought whom in the First or Second World Wars and of course North and South Korea is just like saying Northern and Southern California….Right?

    These two examples would be just as funny as the Animal House Movie if they were not real life examples of those whom want to speak for my Republican Party.

  2. Garr....but right now, Bluto speaks for me! I want to run out and commit illogical acts....I just want to do..... something!?!!!!??????%**#@%%<>**$$#@!

  3. Yes my friend, I too feel your exact same frustrations because my logical, science fact, geared mind just cannot comprehend the illogical, unthinking, obvious stupidity that comes out of supposedly intelligent people that show up at Republican functions.

    You are correct, in a true comparison; Bluto really WOULD be the candidate of choice of those examples given above. How F’n sad is that?
