Friday, January 15, 2010

Wendy Carlos

Recently, I saw a link on the boingboing site for information regarding color vision research done by the musician, Wendy Carlos.
It's been a very long time since Wendy first became known as one of the ground breaking musicians of our time with her release of the of the record, Switched On Bach.

Switched On Bach was a recording of her multi tracked recording of Bach pieces translated for the then brand new revolutionary instrument, the Moog Synthesizer.

She went on to score the Stanley Kubrick film, A Clockwork Orange and later the Disney film, Tron.
When she first recorded, she was known as Walter Carlos and gradually became Wendy.
Her work has profoundly influenced generations of musicians and she is one of the first real electronic musicians. She is still making and releasing music and involved with working with the Wurlitzer Company in a new generation of orchestral synthesist tools.
I wanted to post some of her music here, but she is very protective over her copy rights and access.

I want to point you in the direction of her website, A fascinating view into the multi talented mind of this human. An obviously gifted musician, she is also a dedicated researcher into the phenomena of vision and how we see color.

She devotes a huge section of her site to her research and experiments which cover a period of almost 50 years. She shares her knowlege and takes you on the personal journey that led to her discoveries. The principles of vision, color and the real physics and psychological phenomena are explained clearly and in depth. Check it out.


  1. Fascinating work! I have often wished to have been in some scientific lab when an exciting new discovery was made.

    The color work that Wendy Carlos is doing is especially intriguing for me as I have always been attracted to the many and varying shades of color.

    I can clearly remember the first time I saw the spectrum [rainbow] as I called it then] reflected on the walls of our dining room as the sun cascaded off of the crystal chandelier. Such magnificent beauty! I was hooked at that early age on science.

  2. I've been wanting to post something on Wendy Carlos and her work for a long time. The color section of her blog is worth repeated visits and the experiments she provides instruction and materials for, are enlightening....
