Monday, January 18, 2010

Who Ya Gonna Believe? My Lyin' Lips Or Your Lyin' Ears?

Scott Brown is the Republican candidate for the Senate in the special election for the seat left by the death of Ted Kennedy. He is recieving massive support from Wall Street and he has adopted the conservative opposition to taxing banks to pay back the TARP Bail outs that the President has demanded. He opposed aiding 911 rescue workers, but in the same bill voted for funds for a golf course. He is recieving aid from anti gay groups and the massive amount of money he is mustering for ads are chipping away at the lead of Martha Coakley, the Democratic canidate.

Scott posed nude in a Vogue when he was younger and uses this to his advantage, where as if it had been a woman, or a Democrat, it would have been portrayed as a moral blot.
On the 15th, in a televised interview, he made the snide inference that Barack Obama was possibly born out of wedlock in an off hand attempt to smear the President and curry favor with the teabagger/birther conspiracy fringe.
The transcript of the attempted smear:

BROWN: Barack’s mom had him when she was, what, 18 years old?

GUEST: And married!

BROWN: Well, I don’t know about that.

The record shows, of course, that Obama’s parents were married when he was born. This comment has been widely replayed and has caused Brown to realize that perhaps it was not a smart thing to do.
Brown's campaign just denied Brown saying exactly what he said, on camera. Here's the denial:

He doesn’t believe that. This is more desperate campaigning from Martha Coakley. When she isn’t calling for higher taxes, she’s making things up about Scott Brown.

Lets hope Massachusetts mobilizes to keep Ted Kennedys Senate seat out of the hands of this bounder.


  1. In the picture he looks like Robert Hays (Rex Kramer) from the Airplane movie.

    "Ted, have you ever been face down in the mud, and been kicked in the head with an iron boot? Of course you haven't! No one has! It's a stupid question! Forget I even asked!"

  2. Are the voters of Massachusetts dumb and/or angry enough to send this guy to DC to represent them?

    If so, my nation is in the drainpipe heading for the sewers.

  3. The voting system is Diebold...Massachusetts hasn't gotten around to fixing things yet, perhaps Diebold will fix the election for them.

  4. I saw that FOX Opinion/FAUX NEWS misrepreseted the numbers at the Coakley rally yesterday. They said the hall was practically empty and it was full to over flowing, people couldn't get in. They seem to have a real roblem with facts and numbers...
    Meanwhile, at a Scott Brown Rally, the crowds gets uglier. He stands there agreeing as yahoos in the crowd scream for a hot curling iron to be shoved up Coakleys Ass...
    He is being looked at by the IRS for evading his responsiblities tax wise in reporting his employees...he has a full time staff that are illegally listed as consultants and on top of that, his way of doing business makes it seem like he doesn't have to provide health care for his full time employees.
    Massachusetts has sent workers to Haiti that wouldn't have been able to go if Scotts anti 911 workers compensation vote had meant anything...
    He was one of three who opposed it.
    No wonder he's the darling of Wall Street.
