Saturday, February 06, 2010

"Trust me, after taxes, a million dollars is not a lot of money"
Chairman Michael Steele, Febuary 5, 2010


  1. Hello Microdot,
    As I have passed on before, Steel is not even respected in his home state or Maryland so it is not even odd to those of us who know him how cheep he can be bought as he has no self respect.

    I just did a piece on the "Oracle of Nashville." I think that you will enjoy it as I was trying to imulate your talent with this piece. Enjoy :-)

  2. Hello Microdot,
    I do want to pass on that here in the Mid-Atlantic are getting about 30" of snow this weekend on top of what was left of 8" we got last week. Eating a lot of comfort food right now with "Pan Sheared Filet Mignons in Cognac Cream Bernese Sauce" planned for the Super Bowl tomorrow.

    I usually go to a local Pizza place with a couple of old high school friend to watch football on a projected TV screen but there is no way anyone is getting out in this mess.

  3. 30 frickin inches of snow!
    It's rained and rained here...all the local rivers and creeks are at flood stage. Today between downpours, I took the dog out and checked out the valley below my house which has turned into a wide river...
    We both got soaked!
    Spring is coming slowly, but I think it's going to get cold again this week....
    Don't fall in any snow drifts!

  4. Only three inches here. We have yet to dip below zero this winter and we are way low on snow thanks to El Nino.

    Engineer- 'the child' sadly has directed the jet stream south enough to get our usual winter storms. My apologies.

  5. Hello Microdot and Muddy,
    As I was preparing the dinner (Pan Sheared Filet Mignons in Cognac Cream Bernese Sauce, baked potato, peas, fresh fruit) the three of us, (wife daughter and myself,) for the Super Bowl; I heard on the news that they are calling for more snow the early part of this week. This last one was the prefect Nor-Eastern and I have been working all day with my John Deer tractor trying to get the 1/3rd of a mile lane cleared. I will finish up tomorrow.

    You may remember my posting with reference to the Indianapolis Colts and when Jim Irsay cast the deciding vote against Rush Limbaugh owning part of the St. Louis Cardinals….All Is Forgiven and GET THIS….I will be rooting for the Colts today. It is now 5:45 PM and the game is about to start.

    Let’s hope for a good solid game and I hope Jim Irsay gets to put up another Super Bowl Trophy in his display case.

  6. Just testing my new Alex Grey sig pic

  7. Apparently it's not working.

  8. How bout now? This should really drive some tea types over the edge.

  9. I like that...nice photoshop job!
