Monday, February 08, 2010

Vilifying Your Right To Vilify?

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act  is being challenged in a lawsuit filed by American Family Association of Michigan, which is a Christian Political Activist Group and Filed by the Thomas More Law Center -- which bills itself as the religious answer to the American Civil Liberties Union -- the complaint claims that protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people "is an effort to eradicate religious beliefs opposing the homosexual agenda from the marketplace of ideas by demonizing, vilifying, and criminalizing such beliefs as a matter of federal law and policy."
So, let me try to understand. They think the bill discriminates against their beliefs by forbidding them to demonize, vilify and criminalize and hate who they please? I am trying to see the logic here or the legal basis with out it turning into a Mobius strip of impossible legal geometry. The American Family Association of Michigan has actually claimed that this bill is an attempt to "erradicate" their religious beliefs!
But then again, most really good religions aren't worth their salt if they can't get a good hate on once in a while!


  1. That's nearly as weird as the gun crowd claiming they are victims of bigotry and that they are working to protect civil rights.

    Hey, what about people right to not have to worry about being shot? Isn't that a right too?

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Interesting article as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that theme. Thanks for giving that material.

  3. OK, microdot, I'm attempting to get my mind around the following sentence. Give me a moment...

    OK, s l o w l y, let me read that one more time:

    claims that protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people "is an effort to eradicate religious beliefs opposing the homosexual agenda from the marketplace of ideas by demonizing, vilifying, and criminalizing such beliefs as a matter of federal law and policy."

    Read it, re-read it, and a third and fourth time.

    It's a JOKE!

    I get it now!!

  4. Hello Microdot,
    As I read this it becomes clear to me that this law is written by the same person that writes Sarah Palin’s “Talking Point” speeches. Non-coherent babbling posing as an epiphany.

  5. Hello Microdot,
    I thought that I would pass this local weather on. After getting the 30” on top of what was left of the 8” we had gotten the week before, we are now getting another Nor-Eastern calling for 12”-15” more. A neighbor farmer with a dual rear wheel with 4 wheel drive Case tractor was the only reason we got out late yesterday. My John Deere tractor has a bucket front end loader and a scraper blade on the back was just a little too small to handle this last 30”. Yes I would have eventually dug myself out but it would have been a three day job plus I had run out of diesel fuel. The rear wheels on my tractor are about five feet in diameter but the Case tractor that really broke us out was every bit of seven feet in diameter…and there was two on each side.

    Everyone here has had enough snow for this winter and are ready for Spring.
