Monday, March 15, 2010

Creeps Or Consequences

You are listen! Really Big News On Republican Planet! Chief Brain write book make all progressive Earthlings crazy! You Buy Book Now! Creeps Or Consequences! Buy Now and Learn Stupid!
Karl say, "Terrorists like waterboard better than Sea World, plus no crazy whale bite head off!"
Karl say, "Bush Pay For Iraq War with Green Stamps, plus you get free bonus microwave oven!"
Karl say, "Gore big stupid internet liar full of hot air make global warming so he can discover Love Canal Story!"
Karl say this and more good smart you stupid! 
All hail chief brain of Rove World. Listen 27 hours everyday on Bizarro News Channel!

(to find out what Karl really said check out this link at mediamatters)


  1. Ahhh Microdot,
    This is where you are the best my friend. Good Job!

  2. You forgot: MORE GUNS: LESS CRIME!

    Even though Rove didn't say that, it's part of the mindset.

    Although, the claims about "Who invented the Internet" is pretty up in the air. One party says Vinton Cerf and another says Sir Tim Berners Lee. Personally, I go with Cerf since the Internet came from DARPAnet.

    But we are indeed in Bizarro World these days.
