Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Repeat after me:
I will not say the Fox rodeo clowns name...
I will not mention the Fox rodeo clowns name...
I will not utter the Fox rodeo clowns name...
Because, as we all know, everytime you say his name, he gets a dollar.

Regarding the Fox rodeo clown:
The Fox News hate-talk show host and practicing Mormon Rodeo Clown told his listeners to “run as fast as you can” if they find their church preaching “social justice,” claiming it is a “perversion of the Gospel.” In 1967, Michigan Gov. George Romney — father of Mitt — was the most prominent Mormon politician in the land, seeking the Republican nomination for president. Unlike The Fox Rodeo Clown, Romney considered social justice a core tenet of his faith. In 1967, Jet reported that Romney was willing to choose social justice over the Church of Latter-Day Saints, which then barred blacks from becoming priests:
Michigan Gov. George Romney said he would leave his church if it ever tried to prevent him from working for the elimination of social injustices and racial discrimination


  1. FRC [following your mandate] is doing what clowns do best- make asses of themselves for a few bucks. The money is rolling in and the dittoheads are bobbling. What more can a FRC want out of life?

  2. Has the US become an Idiocracy? I hope not!

    I hope that the progressive-social justice strain will revive!

    See this interesting blog post:
