Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Your Pure White Trash Moment

Here we are about 275 miles NE of Atlanta, in the town of Nahunta, GA on Feb 20, where the local Klan proves again that nobody can pull off the floppy hat and bad teeth look better than them!

And while we are on the subject of White Trash, what's going on in Utah? Utah Republican Legislator, Carl Wimmer, has sponsored a bill, which looks like it will become law, that makes a woman a potential criminal for having a miscarriage!

He appeared on CNN Monday to defend his bill, which he claims will only be usable in the worst of circumstances.

Right. He never does explain why it treats women as presumptive criminals, and expands the definition of "illegal abortion" to include miscarriages. Nor does he explain why 93 percent of the women in Utah don't have legal abortions available within their home counties.

But that's par for the course. You see, Carl Wimmer isn't just your run-of-the-mill Utah Republican (see, e.g., Orrin Hatch). He's a flaming Tea Party fan (as his Facebook testimonial makes clear: "I am involved in the Tea Party and 912 movements."

He's not just involved in Glenn Beck's "912" teabagging movement -- he made an appearance on Beck's special "town hall" show last May promoting not just the "912ers," but Beck's wholesale embrace of the "Tenther" theories from the militia movement of the '90s.

Ironically, here's what Wimmer ranted about back then:

Wimmer: The Patrick Henry Caucus, we formed it in Utah, and the way I look at it is, it brings teeth to what the 912ers are doing. I'm a 912er. And the citizens are frustrated. The citizens are sick and tired of liberties and freedoms being destroyed, all the time. And the government doing it.

So what I decided to do, I'm sick of it, I know some of my fellow legislators were sick of it, and I know there's other legislators around the country who are sick of it. So I decided to form the Patrick Henry Caucus, which is state legislators from throughout the country who are going to unify and join together to push forward the agenda that the 912 group supports, and we're gonna do this together. The citizens can't do it together -- they can write letters, and they can organize. But they need the lawmakers, who can help repeal some of these laws, and fight back against a tyrannical federal government.

I dunno about you, but "freedoms being destroyed" and "tyrannical" seem to me like pretty apt descriptions for laws that invade women's wombs. Just sayin'.


  1. Funny you mention Patrick Henry as I am doing a post about him today.

  2. Hello Microdot,
    Within this crowd you can see the faces of the Religious Fundamentals, Tea Partiers, and Birthers. I am sure if the interviewer had asked what political party they belong to and vote for, those interviewed in the first part of the segment would have proudly told you, REPUBLICAN!!!

  3. The only good to come of this resurgence in racist, nativist idiocies is that it is occurring in a time when technology and mass communications have progressed to a point that near-instantaneous worldwide transmission of televisual data and semi-permanent capture of same via the Internet exists...and that people of this ilk are stupid enough to use such tools blatantly, so that we can note who and what they are, and respond appropriately when the time comes.

