Friday, April 30, 2010

Now, That's Entertainment!

I have been a fan of South Park since it's birth in the 90's. Anyone who can manage to offend everyone in such an extremely entertaining way gets my vote! Now, That's Entertainment!  So I have been following the latest controversy over their recent episode that supposedly insulted Mohammed. Boy, censorship issues sure get confusing when American fans of the English-language version of South Park have to look to a Chinese broadcast of the episode to figure out what Cartman was saying in the closing speech of episode 201.  Comedy Central/Viacom bleeped out, against Matt and Trey's wishes, over threats from a small wacko wingnut group identified as "Muslim extremists" (but founded by a Jewish dude). Complicated! I can't wait till it is broadcast here translated into French....Leading me to my next posting... Live from Paris, Arizona!


  1. I've been following this story too. I'm disapointed in the censorship, but I firmly believe in physics and as you know, every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction - so the more Muslim groups try to censor people in not depicting Mohammed - the more Mohammed is going to be depicted.

  2. And May 20th is International Draw Mohammed Day! Really...expect the Islamic world to implode in its reation to a massive blogswarm of cartoonists, satirists, photoshop loonies....
