Monday, April 26, 2010

Take A Right Turn At Crazy....

Here is a compilation by MediaMatters of the Tea Party Tax Day Protests on
April 19th, 2010.
I was a little disturbed by the Republicans Governors Association recently releasing an ad that tried to take some of the aura of the anti fascist fantasy movie V. They seemed to be embracing the mantle of 17th century British Terrorist, Guy Fawkes, who tried to assasinate the king of England and the Parliament by blowing it up.
I really believe that the Gun Lobby is involved in whipping up a lot of the frenzy.
The statement in the video by the woman in the video who informs us that Obama plans to ban fishing sort of took the cake....
The Republican Mainstream seems to have made a right turn at crazy and touched down smack dab on stark raving mad.....


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Within just a short time I heard so much made up, incorrect, bull crap and the sad thing is that I think that many of the Teabaggers interviewed believe what they quoted. Even though I find it hard to comprehend that these Teabaggers REALLY believe what they are quoting, or are they just throwing out crap to see who will bite on something just so they can unelect THAT BLACK PRESIDENT!!

  2. I sort of believe that there is a "strategy" if you can call it that by the Conservative Think Tanks to get on the Sunday morning political TV shows and throw out as many lies and distortions as they can and then see what floats.

    The level of network journalism being what it is, they can get away with a lot because it doesn't get challenged and rarely fact checked.

    But then again, when did facts or reality mean much of anything in the conservative bizarro world?

  3. The level of network journalism...

    Is there any these days? I watch the 6:30 'world news' and only see reporting, no analysis. Then, the newest trend in this broadcast is to slice off the last 10 minutes with 'human interest' stories. News? Hardly.

    No wonder we American are becoming more dumb with each passing sunset.

  4. I could get NBC nightly news here on the satellite CNBC, but now they've replaced it with 2 Jay Leno Shows! Go figure.
    The only thing about the human inerest stories is that it shows Americans that it's ok to do something for someone else ther than yourself, but it's not news and too much time is spent in this maudlin pursuit instead of reporting facts!

  5. Remember the good ole' days when women folk couldn't vote? Their only purpose in life was to keep a man happy and spit out youngins'. Then that kookie dirty lib came along - Suzann B Anthony, giving them the right to vote and a bunch of other claptrap. Now you find them holding ridiculous signs and signing into law new unconstitutional Gestapo powers for their state. What's next for these radical women?
