Monday, April 12, 2010

Want To Place A Bet?

So, shall we take bets? How long do you give him?
I'm saying 6 months and then the firewall starts crumbling and Benny starts talking serious resignation.
The Vatican was in heavy denial mode and spent a lot of energy trying to pretend that the controversy over Benny's cover up and mishandling of the ongoing Catholic Church Sex Scandal was just malicious gossip.
We heard the controversy compared to the persecution of the Jews. That was a very bad move, it only caused more outrage.
Today, on the other hand, the emiritus Bishop of Grosseto, Italy claimed that the controversy was a "Zionist attack".
Bishop Babini, in a statement to the Catholic website, Pontifex was further quoted,  "They do not  want the church, they are it's natural enemies. Deep down, historically speaking, Jews are god-killers."
Of course, after this statement began to fester and boil, Babini claimed he never said it and it disappeared from the website. Thank God for screen saves!  You know, this is the last place that these guys should be going, because it's a little too easy to say, "And Benny, what were you doing during the War?" Yeah, I know he says he didn't have a choice in his membership in The Hitler Youth, but you have to admit, it could be an embarrassing question.

The ongoing controversy gets deeper and the evidence that Cardinal Ratzinger as the chief enforcer of the Vatican was deeply involved and the source of the pattern of suppression, denial and intimidation used to cover the sex abuse up.
The Vatican has begun to feel the heat and has issued statements regarding Benny's immunity from prosecution as a head of state. Yesterday, though, in the Sunday London Times, the author and science philosopher, Richard Dawkins announce that he has hired a team of lawyers to investigate whether Ratzinger can be charged. He has vowed to prosecute Benny for crimes against humanity.
Dawkins and writer Christopher Hitchens believe they can make a case to arrest Benny during his planned September trip to Britain.
Among the human rights lawyers they have hired is Australian-born barrister Geoffrey Robertson.
They do not believe the Pope will be able to claim diplomatic immunity because he is not recognised as a head of state by the United Nations.
"This is a man whose first instinct when his priests are caught with their pants down is to cover up the scandal and damn the young victims to silence," Professor Dawkins said.
Last year Israel's foreign minister Tzipi Livni was forced to cancel a planned trip to Britain after a British judge was persuaded by Palestinian activists to issue a warrant for her arrest over her role Israel's invasion of Gaza in 2008.
Try as they might, this is not going to go away. Over the week end in Malta, a number of billboards for a Catholic Organization with Pope Bennys image were defaced. Benny was given a mustache and the image of Pedibear was plastered on the image.
In case you are wondering, Pedibear is an avatar image that was created to tag pedophilic predators of chat sites for kids. Pedibear came to worldwide fame when the image of the Vancouver Winter Olympics mascots was pimped by cyber vandals and Pedibear was inserted into the group. The image went out on wire services and ended up on the front page of Warsaws biggest newspaper among other places as the official image....
So, who's betting? I say 6 months...


  1. OK, Microdot, I'm in!

    However, I've got a different theory on his 'departure.' POISON! The Vatican knows how to use poison had had done-in a few of the Pope's predecessors that way.

    Of, it won't read 'poison' on the death certificate, but rather some "odd digestive bacterial infection."

    Six months- yes.

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hello Microdot,

    To make it interesting, I will take you up on the six month wager. They will go to any extreme to protect Ratatouille from the shame of stepping down in disgrace. The repercussions from the latest statement that the pedophile clergy is caused by homosexuality and has nothing to do with celibacy should get fairly vocal. They will rewrite facts and history to save the shred of respectability that they assume they still have.

    There is always a chance Ratso may step down from some made up health issue, but I am leaning towards blaming some subordinate to take the fall.

    Have you read about Connecticut wanting to extend the statute of limitations beyond 30 years for sexual assaults (or something of that nature)? The church is dead against that change probably because they have absolutely nothing to hide.

    It is great to see that the tables have turned somewhat and finally the victims are the ones turning the thumb screws.

    We have to decide on the wager.
    I will ante the worst dance party CD ever made featuring Super Chicken, Chewbacca, and their barnyard friends. Of course I have 6 months to finish making it. What are you wagering?


  3. Mudrake, my wife and I were making this same observation this morning. remember, there was a pope right before John-Paul II, Pope Paul who only lasted a few months and he was very inconvenient.

    Mr. P, sir, I have to come up with a worthy item to wager. First, what are the conditions of the wager?
    I say Ratso starts talking resignation in six months...

    I spent the day in St. Yriex and I was in the local junk of the world store...Perhaps, I can find a suitable item to wager in naughty party aisle...
    Yes, that's it! In fact I have the very thing in mind...a tasteful selection of naughty marshmallow and sugar cubes...

    Your On!

  4. I was in Italy in 1978 when Pope Paul 1st suddenly expired. The reaction was pretty much unanimous even in the press (Italians, at that time anyway, remembered history): it was a Very Suspicious death and it was possible he was poisoned. Lotsa speculation.

    It all comes down to 'Is this Good for the Church'?Depending on the conclusion the Vatican comes to in that discussion, a decision will be made. 6 mos seems a good time frame...

  5. and sr, what would you like to wager? I guess though, if you agree with my time frame, you can get a barnyard techno cd from the person known as "p" as well...that's P as in Mr. Politeness.......
    But if you dare to differ with me on my projection, then perhaps if you place a wager, you could win a tasteless selection of naughty French marshmallows and sugar cubes as well...

  6. And mudrake, what would you like to wager? And what would be the terms of your wager?
    Remember, I'm offering a rather tasteless selection of naughty French marshmallow and sugar cubes from the naughty party aisle of the local junk store. I would ponly hope that your wager would be of equal quality.

  7. Altho it only took 33 days to do away with Pope Paul this case they need more time to see if things cool down some, so 6 mos seems right. No wager then? But hey, maybe you could send me a photo of the tasteless French confection?

    After thought: Many of the priests were sent to countries in South America. And when those countries join the fray....uh oh.

  8. Anonymous2:48 AM


    I'm still in on this wager. I highly doubt Teflon Ratso will resign regardless if pics surfaced of him anointing the lads personally with oil.

    They have already begun to grease the wheels of blame to the bishops. A pope resign in disgrace? They are still hung up on that beyond reproach thing.

    I have to question the spoils of this bet. Let me get this straight, if you win, you get the bane of mankind who possess hearing. You will wield ultimate power. If I win, I get a sugar coated marshmallow tit bag? Something is amiss. Would you consider my burned out light bulb collection. I now have 2.

  9. Okay, because you dare to quibble with the quality of the questionable confectionaries that I proposed, perhaps you would consider a mutually benificial wager. I will design the cover of your barnyard techno dance extravaganza volume 1, but be forewarned, Mr. Politeness...I will pimp it with a dancing Pedibear!
    The questionalble confections are still in the picture...
    Really, the selection includes 2 dozen gift packed marshmallow penises and 2 dozen sugar cubes modeled and colored to look like a female crotch and buttocks with brightly colored panties.

  10. Anonymous5:19 PM


    Since you put it that way, I accept the terms.


  11. I have been in VERY rural Ohio for 3 days and must do some exercises to raise my IQ to 3 digits before answering your question.

    Please be patient.
