Tuesday, May 04, 2010

All Comfy On Your Little Botty Now?

All comfy on your little botty now? Good...I Said, GOOD! You know you won't be able to listen to me with your fingers in your ears while simultaneously caterwalling God Bless America. 
Yes, I know you thought it was part of the vast left wing conspiracy, an attempt to disrupt your already scattered short range attention span. I read a comment at Free Republic which stated:
"To me, it sounds like a liberal charade to take the heat off Barack and put it on the Tea Partiers"
On the same site:
"They are going to hang this failed bomb plot on some fat, white guy who was alleged;ly seen at a Tea Party Rally. The construction of the device was so botched it almost seemed like a set up and some sad nutter was talked into driving it to Times Square. I know, you think I wear a tin foil hat to bed, but I really don't trust our present government."
When the Tinmes Square security video first appeared, there was a comment on Raw Story from a reader:
"I'm white, I'm fat, I'm over 40! I fit the profile! So why don't you arrest me?"
The majority of the comments I read on a number of right wing sites echoed the meme that the perpetrator must have been a white man who converted to Islam.
Sounds like an admission of guilt to me...Book 'em!
I said BOOK 'EM! Hah, you aren't listening! You've still got the fingers in your ears and you're singing America The Beautiful and it's off key!
This kind of stuff is like brain lice, it's mental dandruff.  The hysterical claims of persecution is the first resort of fascists! This is irrelevant, pointless, non productive noise!

Today, a suspect was arrested at Kennedy Airport, less than 48 hours after the failed terrorist attack on Times Square. He is a naturalized American citizen of Pakistani descent. Oh, you're listening now, I see. That's what you thought all along...an Islamic terrorist. Yes, well I guess if you're going to be labled as a terrorist, it helps to be Islamic.

But, you whine endlessly, as you have since September 11, 2001,
"Why Do They Hate Us So?"
You might ask yourself, why does a once discredited organization like the Taliban seem to be gaining in power? Why are they like the Road Runner, out witting the Coalition forces who employ all their technological warfare gadgets, like Wiley Coyote? Why is Barak Obama trapped into failed strategies and unable to extricate himself from the tar pit of the insane foreign policy decisions of the Bush Administration? I used Colin Powells "Pottery Barn" policy analogy a few times. You break it, you own it. But to go ahead and smash more china isn't exactly positive. You know the answer. It's because little jerks are sitting in chairs with their fingers in their ears singing God Bless America off key at the top of their wheezing lungs.....


  1. I wrote a piece earlier today on the 20-percenters, the audience that you address here. I forgot to include the singing of God Bless America, but i'm glad that you rectified my gross error.

    Fat, white, over 50, worthless lives, prejudiced and 'good' [c]hristians with the American flag prominently displayed on their suburban properties.

    Did I nail the 'profile?'

  2. You forgot the donuts....

  3. Hello Microdot,
    Great stuff.

    My piece today is in honor of the Kent State and the Ohio National Guard’s shooting of students. The fact is, many of those killed or wounded were not protesters, they were just students going to their next class much like the over exuberance National Guardsmen’s stray, untargeted bullet, that struck Sandra Lee Scheuer.

    The people you are speaking about today in your piece are nothing more than those back then who thought that Sandra Lee Scheuer got what she deserved.
