Sunday, May 30, 2010

For Heavens Sake, Don't Make The Republicans Mad...

I would like to preface my post by reiterating my my sincere belief that nuclear energy is not the answer to mankinds is the simple solution that is in fact a dead end.
Nuclear weaponry makes life on this planet a precarious entity. There is still no realistic long term solution for the use and disposal of the waste products of nuclear energy. It remains a destructive and suicidial gift for the future generations on our planet. But insane problems demand insane solutions!
We have entered an age of unreal disasters and ecology of The Gulf of Mexico has been destroyed and as the oil spill and the inept and obscene attempts of BP to disperse it cosmetically with chemical disperssants, the ocean is taking the plume of destruction into the Florida keys and soon we will be seeing the effects reaching the Atlantic seaboard of the United States. This is not a local problem, this is a global disaster with far reaching consequences. The Gulf has been ecologically altered forever.
British Petroleum has been allowed to act as an independant entity. They have tried to control the information and the reaction to the oil leak as if they were an independant  soveriegn state. Due to the special relationship that was estalished under the Cheney energy management policies, they have engaged the use of Whakenhut, the poor mans "Blackwater", the guys who brought you the Afghani Hazing scandals last year, to enforce theri media black out.
Plan Nine From Outer Space, the "TOP KILL" latest last resort has failed. BP is begging fopr understanding and patience. Time has run out. Now we discover that there is another, potentially bigger plume of oil that they have been hiding.
If BP chosses to act as an independant sovereign entity, ti is time for us to start treating them as a rogue terrorist state. After all, the disaster they have enabled by trying to protect their "investment" is beyond the imagination of any decent terrorist organization.
Let's face it, what ever Barack Obama does, it will make Republican mad. Doing nothing? Republicans are mad! Doing something? Republicans mad. Fuck the Republicans!
It is time for heroic action. It is time to seize control and definitively seal the well. Then we can get on to other business like prosecuting BP and Halliburton and making them cough up every penny in their coffers to eradicate the mess...which, no matter how much money is spent, will never be eradicated...this was THE BIG ONE!
I stand with the scientists who say that destroying the well with high explosives, effectively permanantley sealing it is the only way to go here. BP has to be supressed, they have no more opinions, they have had their last word...GOODBYE! GET LOST!
Insane problems demand insane solutions..............

Publish Post


  1. Hello Microdot,
    A timely topic my friend. I just did a posting myself on Gov. Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana and who spoke at the Republican Presidential Convention supporting Sarah Palin’s “Drill Baby Drill” policies. Basically his speech was just the same old rehash of Regan’s, “Government is not the answer…Government is the problem,” tired old policies that have failed the American citizens raping our retirement, medical health policies, income status, and the wealth invested in our homes for over 30 years.

    Of course Gov. Bobby Jindal is crying that the President Obama and the Federal Government did not spend U.S. tax payers money to build barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana to protect it from the oil industries F#*ked Up off shore drilling policies that was so embraced just a little over a year ago by the Republican Party with the likes of Sarah Palin and, YES, Gov. Bobby Jindal.

    Gov. Bobby Jindal’s voiced viewpoints at that time were, government needed to stay out of overseeing, and regulating the industry because the compassionate global corporations would monitor and protect the citizens of the U.S. by themselves.

    Well to coin a phrase from Dr. Phil….How’s that been working for ya Governor Bobby?

  2. I think Obama just doesn't want to wear this albatross.. But sometimes leaders are handed a bad hand and they have to wear the albatross and make the best of it, that's what leaders do.. If he boots BP and makes it a government problem.. then it becomes his problem with all the attendant political gamesmanship.. So goes American Politics.. where it's better to destroy the planet, than to give the opponent political party another avenue of attack. The thing is, each day of not doing anything is a GREATER avenue of attack - because it effects REAL people viscerally.

    But on the other hand.. I'm not a geologist, or an expert.. maybe there are geologic reasons why you can't just blow it closed, maybe it would collapse the entire top shield and you would have an even greater disaster? I don't know? Is there any scientific consensus?
