Friday, May 21, 2010

Fossil Fuel Chernobyl

Today, BP admitted after bragging on their oil recovery operations that are now siphoning off what they claim is 5,000 barrels a day of oil from the leak, that the leak is much bigger than they have been admitting. We all knew that. They have claimed from the beginning that the leak was "only" 5,000 barrels a day. The 5,000 barrels they are recovering are only a minute proportion of the ongoing disaster.
This photo is from Louisiana Gov. Jindal's tour of the environmental devastation in coastal marshlands caused by the BP oil disaster. As a friend said, this thing isn't a "spill," it's a fossil-fuel Chernobyl, unfolding in slow motion, thousands of gallons a day.
As I have said before, the only responsible action is to shut this leak down now...use high explosives to seal the well NOW and ban BP from the Gulf of Mexico!
Barack Obama must take command and prove he is the decisive leader we want to believe in! Call your representatives and demand action, NOW!

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