Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Microdot Zone

(cue theme music: neener neener neener neener neener neener bomp bah dahhh
dah dah dah bah bomp...bongos.....)
I invite you to travel with me on a journey. A journey to a place somewhere between reality and fantasy, near Cleveland yet far from Akron...a place where things are all too familiar yet never quite what you think they should be, a place where the whites are dingy and the blacks are faded. A place that could use a good washing with a name brand laundry product that whitens and brightens and leaves them smelling springtime fresh...
Let us Journey to  The Microdot Zone! 
(theme music and bongos) 
Tonight, let us voyage inside the mind of one, George Alan Rekers, Professor Rekers as he is professionally known. You might have heard of Professor Rekers in his role as cofounder in 1983, along with the Reverend James Dobson, twho is he biggest homophobe in America, of the ultra conservative, vehemently anti gay Family Research Council. Professor Rekers is one of the master minds of the constant war against homosexuals. He is a Baptist Minister and a distinguished Professor of Neuropsychiatry and a proponent of the idea that homosexuality is an abberant condition that can be cured. Rekers is also the author of the blog teensextoday
 On April 13th at Miami International Airport, he arrived on Iberian Airlines flight 6123 after a 10 day European vacation with is traveling companion, who will be called Rueben.
Rueben, a professional male escort from the website, and promotes himself on his profile as "sensual", "wild" and "up for anyting". He lists his job qualifications as the owner of a "smooth, sweet, tight ass" and a "perfectly built 8 inch cock".
Professor Rekers, when questioned about the seeming seedy circumstances of his vacation, gave a statement to the effect that he recently underwent surgery and needed an assistant to carry his luggage. He did admit tht he found Rueben at the website. That didn't  seem to stop him from wheeling his baggage around the airport personally, according to witnesses.
Rueben, when asked about Professor Rekers statement about his terms of employment, and how he was hired, said, "He should have been able to tell you that, but that's up to him".
(cue bongos) 
Hmmm...the farther I travel on this voyage into the tortured psyche of Professor Rekers, the more I want to get off at the next stop. We seem to have taken a turn at Self Loathing and gotten on the Expressway of Denial and are now stranded at the rest stop of Greed as we spin our wheels.....But for George Alan Rekers, this was a wrong turn onto  his private highway to  hell somewhere south of Toledo, but closer to Gary, Indiana, but not really in  The Microdot Zone.....
(cue theme music!)


  1. I've been really wanting to write something on this topic since I saw the PBS frontline story about the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan.

    It ties into the Catholic Priest escopade as well.

    But there seemes to be some kind of common meme between cultural and sexual intolerance and how it promotes the very thing these intolerant groups of people are trying to squelch. In Afghanistan, one of the most conservative Islamic cultures you have this wide spread homosexual boy love amongst the most powerful of their society.. Same with the Catholic Church.. and now you have this "Man Love" amongst the most culturally conservative group in the United States - The conservative christian coalitian. There is some kind of social psychology involved here that is universal.

  2. I have a theory about sexual development and the arrested development of fascistic types.

    It is basic to human nature, though and we are dealing with the forbidden fruit (no pun really intended) syndrome.
    We are all wired differently and sexuality is defined by the individual. Our society has deemd homosexuality to be abberant so guilt and the trappings of obsession come into play. This is sublimated in many ways, obviously.

    Poor Rekers was trapped by his own guilt. Perhaps if he wasn't a Baptist, he wouldn't have destroyed so many lives dealing with his own self loathing.
    Maybe he could have been happy.

  3. I didn't watch the whole documentary, but part of it and read a bit about the making of the film.
    Yes, this is pretty shocking in the context, but it isn't just Afghanistan. Russian culture has always had a gay subcurrent, but don't talk about it!
    You could have made a documentary about almost any culture that would have exposed a covert traditional homosexual element.
    One thing that this has in common with the catholic church is that it is an exclusively male power structure.
    This is about power as much as it about sex.

  4. I just heard this story on Chris Matthew's show tonight. Wow! It is truly amazing how two-faced these homophobes really are!!

  5. watch this story reach critical mass in the next few days as the young man in question came forward after his friends made it clear who his client was and the political implications of the damge his closeted daddy has done to countless of gay people in America.
    In the first part of the interview published in the Miami New times, yesterday, he describes Rekers sexual preferences and what his "duties" entailed on the trip.

    Reker is too influential in the christian right for this to be swept under the rug.
