Thursday, May 06, 2010


This video was suggested to me by occasional commentor, Steve. I had only heard Tool on the radio here in France, on a late night alternative fm station out of Perigueux.
This video has graphics by the artist, Alex Grey. Reflection is a cut from their 2001 album, Lateralus. From what I have gathered after listening to their music, they seemed to have always been experimental, but originally in a more metal sense.
I might call this art rock, but it is truly adventurous progressive music.
Tool has always worked on the edge artistically and intentionally courted controversy with their imagery and lyrics. The more I listen to them, the more I want to hear. 
I read an interview with Maynard Keenan, the singer and he talked about touring with a reunited King Crimson as a high point of his carreer.
So Steve, what kind of bass guitar do you prefer? I love Fender Precisions and I own a black Yamaha b350 which I bought in 1984 at Mannys in NYC. It's set up like a P bass and Jazz bass hybrid. It's still in pretty good shape except for the stupid metal stickers I put on over the years. Next question: thumbs, fingers or pick?
I use them all.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    I still have my 1967 Hofner (violin Beatle Base) but I also liked the way the Fender Jazz Bass handled.

  2. I never played a "Beatle" bass. Tey always seemed "fragile" to me..but I really never had any experience with them, so what do I know? I do remember seeing a very beautiful guitar that Hofner made in the 79's.
    It was the Jan Akkerman model. Akkerman being the Dutch Fusion guitarist who first came to fame with theband Focus. It was the same feel as the Beatle bass.
    My first bass which I played omn stage with at Max's Kansas City with The A Band was a plastic blue metal flake Kalamazoo...really.
    I switched to bass because their bass player quit and I knew their songs from playing guitar with them. I was their mover...I had a truck.
    Then, I bought a Fender Telecaster bass with a lime oak finish.
    I had a Fender Jazz bass with bizarre electronics that I eventually custom painted and sold.
    Then for quite a few years, I played a Fender precision thta had actually been used on the recording of Chaka Khan's "Tell Me Something Good". It was oiled natural wood with a brass plate on the front. I loved that bass, but it wasn't mine.
    So I bought the black Yamaha and it has been able to do all I expected of it. The band Ollabelle has used it on records.

  3. Oh my goodness, I haven't touched my bass in about a year. I have a Spector NS4 (the Czech made version, not the $4000 USA version) and a Fender P Bass. The spector has a tighter action and more growl due to the active electronics, but I really prefer the warmth and the "meatyness" of the P-bass. I have an E-bow on my P bass so I can flick down to D tuning to play Tool LOL!

  4. I have too many basses. Seriously - The personal yardstick for this became apparent when I found that I had more instruments than fingers on my hands...Although I do play most of them regularly.

    I don't have a favorite per se, as each of them do something (or several somethings) well, a particular style of playing or technique that allows the nuances of instrumental character to emerge. Frankly, it's a topic that I could discuss with others of a like mind interminably.

