Friday, May 28, 2010

Suggested Responses

It doesn't really make up for the problems and the response to date, but this is a start and as it becomes clear that this is the biggest environmental disaster in United States History,  the biggest part of the problem of mounting a real response was the continuing level of dishonesty and  spin control by British Petroleum as they tried feverishly to  "protect their investment".  On this blog I have repeatedly demanded that the well be destroyed immediately. BP has acted so irresponsibly and with such arrogantly tantamount greed, that I would not be surprised if they tried to claim that the oil that is cleaned off of the beaches is their "property".
He strode into the East Room to mount a robust defense of his handling of the largest oil spill in American history, reassuring the nation that he was in charge and would do “whatever is necessary” to stop and clean up the BP leak in the Gulf of Mexico. But by the time he walked out an hour later, he had balanced that with a fairly unusual presidential self-critique.

He was wrong, he said, to assume that oil companies were prepared for the worst as he tried to expand offshore drilling. His team did not move with “sufficient urgency” to reform regulation of the industry. In dealing with BP, his administration “should have pushed them sooner” to provide images of the leak, and “it took too long for us” to measure the size of the spill.

“In case you’re wondering who’s responsible, I take responsibility,” Mr. Obama said as he concluded the news conference. “It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen right away or the way I’d like it to happen. It doesn’t mean that we’re not going to make mistakes. But there shouldn’t be any confusion here. The federal government is fully engaged, and I’m fully engaged."
Jeff Zelaney of the NY Times commented on Barack Obama's press conference yesterday:
... it remains an open question whether the measured tone that has become the soundtrack of Mr. Obama's presidency -- a detached, calm, observational pitch -- served to drive the point home that he is sufficiently enraged by the fury in the Gulf Coast.
At least he resisted the urge to compare Obama to Spock.

... Kevin Drum watched the CNN coverage, and saw the various on-air personalities "solemnly advising us one after one that Obama really needed to be more emotional because that's what the American people want." ...

Hey, the press has a point -- there are a lot of other things Obama could do besides calmly demonstrating a grasp of the situation. He could:

* loudly and melodramatically suspend the entire federal government, demanding a combined legislative/executive branch summit to deal with the problem, at which he'll prove to be thoroughly unprepared.

* put up a bunch of Facebook posts with lots of capital letters and exclamation points.

*break down and cry.

Any one of those approaches would make the oil dissipate faster -- right?


  1. Drill baby, drill!

    Those 3 words hang around the necks of that knot of nincompoops like a prison number of an inmate.

    Drill baby, drill!

    Speaking on nincompoops, there was a letter to the editor of the Toledo Blade condemning Obama for not being able to stop that 'little oil leak.'

    The numbers of idiots continues to rise here in the States with each new sunrise.

  2. BP's latest attempt to cap the lak is not working. It's not going to work.
    I'm being realistic. The Gulf is dying, the ocean cannot handle or "absorb" this catastrophe. This is an event which will have repercussions ecologically for the entire planet.
    The only responsible course is to collape and seal the rupture using explosives and it must be done now!

    BP in their delay tactics and greed have turned a disaster into something that is beyond the imagination of any terrorist organization. Their actions are beyond criminal, this is an attrocity and we have to deal with it as quickly as possible.

    To compare this to Katrina is compare the response of the Federal Governement under barack Obama to George Bush and his disembowled, disinterested unprepared FEMA oraganization is not relevant.

    But, the course is clear. The Obama adminsitration has to take full charge now and destroy the well and plug the leak by sealing it permanently under the ocean floor.
