Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Upper Class Twit Of The Year Award

Here's an 1987 photo of Prime Minister David Cameron (back row, 2nd from left) with fellow members of the "notorious" Bullingdon Club, which Martin Lewis describes as "a UK equivalent of Yale's exclusive Skull & Bones Society ... an ultra-exclusive clique that admits only the nation's richest and brattiest trust-fund kids."
The New York Times reported in 1913 "The Bullingdon represents the acme of exclusiveness at Oxford; it is the club of the sons of nobility, the sons of great wealth; its membership represents the 'young bloods' of the university." (Source: Wikipedia)
What do these sons of nobility do for fun? The same thing they've been doing for centuries -- terrorizing peasants with impunity:
A well-documented typical evening while Cameron was a member in the late 1980s consisted of the members taking over one of Oxford's fanciest restaurants for the night, eating the priciest food on the menu, ordering and quaffing copious quantities of the most expensive wines and champagnes -- and then totally trashing and destroying the entire restaurant, furniture and fittings. The coup de grace at the end of each such excursion was to go up to the traumatized, distraught restaurant owner and, in a gesture that dates back to the aristocrat-peasant relationship of centuries passed, contemptuously throw wads of banknotes at the hapless owner as recompense for the massive damage caused.
As we have witnessed in America, Conservatism doesn't neccessarly rely on making sense. It relys heavily on an inhertited sense of entitlement. In lieu of the narrow victory of the Tories in Britain and their utter unpopularity in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, perhaps Nick Clegg is the true victor here. He is deputy Prime Minister and his third place Liberal Democrat Party has gained the electoral reform concessions they were asking for and perhaps, after the inevitable next set of elections, Clegg will be the real next Prime Minister of Great Britain.....


  1. I call Cameron "Lord Snooty" from the Beano Character of the same name.

    The one bennie is that Conservatives will be cutting loads of programmes in the budget making old Lord Snooty the blue meany.

  2. Hello Microdot,
    I must admit that I do not understand how the Conservatives can make a coalition with the Liberal Democrats to form a government. Maybe I am to use to the partisan politics her in the States.

  3. I forgot to add that in my comparison to American conservative politics, Cameron had the sensationalist idiot patented media backing of Rupert Murdoch...I mean, what more can a twit asK for?

  4. laci- you need to tell us more about Lord Snooty.
