Monday, May 31, 2010

What Can Israel Be Thinking?

This video went up on YouTube 45 minutes ago. It documents lst night's attack by the Israeli Navy on the Relief Flotilla bringing a symbolic 10,000 tons of humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip which has been blockaded by the Israelis. The Israelis claim that they allow 15,000 tons of relief materials into Gaza each week, but this is hardly a drop in the bucket.
The attack on the peaceful flotilla sunk one boat and left 16 people dead. The Israelis claim they were attacked when they tried to board. The videos now being released by Al Jazeera show the force the Israelis used in their boarding attempt.
The protesters say the only force they planned to use was peaceful resistance and to try to block entrance into the steering room and the engine room.
You will hear more about this today, I am sure, lots of spin as Netenyahu prepares for his visit to Washington later this week, but make no mistake, this was a massacre, another tragically wrong choice by Israel.
What was Israel thinking? Even if stopping the ships was the mission, killing 16 people in the process is a complete PR disaster.
Update: The death toll has gone to 19 or 20, depending on the reportage with at least 30 wounded. The Israelis are being condemned internationally and mounting a very aggressive defense. Could this be a turning point?
For the latest updates, click here.


  1. There is a headline on CNN this morning that reads, Israeli soldier: "They beat us!"

    Duh! Double Duh!!

    Some commando drops down from the sky onto your ship and you welcome him with a bouquet of flowers??????

    The Israeli idiocy continues unabated.

  2. Israel is working extra hard to become the biggest albatross hanging from the American neck.
