Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bad Craziness In The Desert

This video almost seems to defy reality. Last weekend, videographer attended the "Phoenix Rising" rally in Phoenix, AZ. The rally was held to protest the boycott of Arizona over their anti immigration racial profiling law, SB1070.
Things really get strange with the woman who believes that there is a "radical Islamic Mexican Catholic movement" that "has been taking over America and getting rid of and killing American citizens."
You see a lot of the familiar faces, Joe Arpato and Russel Pearce who are the nominal "mainstream conservatives" who show up on MSNBC and FOX as the voice of sanity? to defend the desert paranoia.
But, they are quite comfortable rubbing shoulders with Neo Nazis and The White Supremecists who are the backbone of this mob.

But then, consider that the "Phoenix Rising" rally was actually organized by Barbara Coe, leader of the nativist group California Coalition for Immigration Reform, which led the fight to pass the anti-immigrant Prop 187 back in 1994. You see, CCIR has a sordid history that led to their being designated a "hate group" by the SPLC:

Vitriolic, conspiracy-minded and just plain mean, Coe routinely refers to Mexicans as "savages." She claims to have exposed a secret Mexican plan (the "Plan de Aztlan") to reconquer the American Southwest. Last May, at a "Unite to Fight" anti-immigration summit in Las Vegas, she launched the kind of defamatory rant for which she is infamous. "We are suffering robbery, rape and murder of law-abiding citizens at the hands of illegal barbarians," she warned her cowering audience, "who are cutting off heads and appendages of blind, white, disabled gringos."

More recently, she attacked the new Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, accusing him of seeking to return Southern California to Mexico.

But the most curious thing about the former police clerk -- whose friends have said she told them she was forced from her job in 1994, after using a city-owned camera to photograph people she thought were illegal aliens -- may be her offhand comments to the Denver Post this November. In a profile of her close friend, U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), the paper said Coe described speaking to and belonging to the Council of Conservative Citizens. That group, which has called blacks "a retrograde species of humanity," has long been listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group -- as has Coe's own California Coalition for Immigration Reform.

Even more recently, Coe has attack the current president as well:

Barak [sic] Obama and his anti-American "czars" are taking a page from Hitler's Nazi Germany playbook - only worse, much worse. Be afraid, be very afraid!

This is the classic Fascist ploy of accusing the victims of their hate of doing what they have already done. We are seeing an attempt by White Supremicist groups to spread this kind of hateful crazy legislation in a concerted manner, state by state.


  1. I guess that this proves the point that there are way too many psychotics on the loose in America. It isn't like Europe where there is a mature population- one tested over and over again by radicals.

    No, here in the States we allow them way too much freedom and that might just lead to some right-wing revolution against the government and that 'black Muslim' president of ours.

    Scary stuff!!!

  2. Those are really sick people. The most frightening part is they are quite representative of main stream conservativism. I have friends and relatives who wouldn't object to what these people say.

    America, love it or leave it, that's my motto.

  3. I have to admit a wish that the Mexicans had won the Mexican-American war back in the late 1840s.

    First off, that war created a lot of horrible stereotypes about Mexicans and Old World Civilistion. Spanish Mexico has existed since the early 1500s. There have been advanced civilizations such as the Olmec, the Toltec, the Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, the Maya and the Aztec in that region since pre-history.

    The US victory showed, once again, that the US way proved correct versus old fashioned ways. And might made right.

    Additionally, the Mexican-American war was started by the US annexation of Texas and ended by Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, forced Mexico to give up nearly half of its land to the U.S., including California and New Mexico. A much smaller transfer of territory in parts of southern Arizona and New Mexico occured through the Gadsden Purchase. Those land grabs led to the former Mexican citizens becoming citizens of the United States.

    A fact which seems to have been conveniently forgotten.

    Thus the insane of the US right (I refuse to call them Conservatives) once again demonstrate their ignorance of historic events which have given the US its hispanic citizenry.

  4. Lost in all of this as well, is the history of the polygamic mormons who left Utah after polygamy was outlawed to form colonies in Mexico.
    Many of them renounced their American citizenship only to waltz back across the border and fit into American society with out ever legally becoming citizens again...
    But, as they were whites in the Southwest, little legal niceties like tat were conveniently ignored.
    One of the most prominent families who paricipated in this illegal migration was the Romneys.
    Hugh, the governor of Michigan during the 60's was born in Mexico in a family which had renounced their US Citizenship and became Mexican.
    He never formally became a US citizen and technically illegally held public office...
    Talk about yer wetbacks taking advantage of the system...
