Friday, June 25, 2010

Free Stickers!

Free Prosecute BP Sickers from! Send them a SASE and they will send you free bumper stickers. BP does not own the world. BP cannot be trusted to manage the clean up and repair of it's leaking wells and pipelines all over North America.
Any politician who defends BP is a collaborator and should be prosecuted as an accesory to the crime. It is not just a local ecological catastrophe anymore, it is a planetary attrocity!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    I am sorry I have not written in a while but I have just been too shocked and depressed. I have stopped by to read what you have posted and as always keep up the good work.

    I was thinking about the Gulf and the devastation but not just contained there. Where you see volunteers washing geese, pelicans, and other animals, which is a good photo op delivering the warm and fuzzy that something is being done….but I guess no one has given any thought to the plankton; the base for the food chain group for the rest of wild life is built on.

    This wiping out of the plankton plant life in the oceans is going to domino effect to the rest of life in the oceans from the largest whales to the lowest krill.

    The Gulf is just a large dead zone that will take a long time to recover.

  2. engineer- I, too, an depressed as I watch CNN count another 'spill day' and report that little is being done to contain or stop the damage.

    We're helpless to stop the madness- it's like watching a short version of "The Day the World Ended."

  3. Well, it's time to let Obama know that BP does not own America.
    They certainly were given a chance, too much of a "chance" to save their corporate ass.
    It is not about BP anymore. They have effectively demonstrated that they cannot be allowed to continue to exist as the corporate entity that they think they are.
    This disaster has demonstrated that the game is over, the rules have changed.
    Now it's time to prosecute BP and it's lobbying lackeys as accessories to a planetary abomination!
    Sure, there are natural disasters, but if an asteroid were aimed at the planet and there was the ability to mobilize to stop it, the entire world would be united to stop it...
    This is a man made disaster and the means to stop it immediately exist...but we sit on our asses because of the threat of litigation, international relations, coporate responsibility, the totally corrupt legal system owned by the oil industry... any number of bullshit excuses to not act now.
