Thursday, June 03, 2010

Higher And Higher

Jackie Wilson.....
This is dedicated to the brave people on the Irish Gaza Freedom Ship, The Rachel Corrie, in the Mediterrenean on it's way to Gaza as we speak.
The ship was named after the brave American young woman, protesting against the Israeli vilence against Palestinians, who was run over deliberately by an Israeli tank that she dared to stand in front of.


  1. Microdot- I saw on CNN the name, Rachel Corrie, on the side of the ship and it rang a bell with me, but i couldn't figure out what. Now I know. Great honor to name the ship the same as that brave woman!

  2. Rachel Corrie was an American born in 1979. There is a website in her name

  3. Thak you for the correction, SR...
    I wrote this in a flurry before I went to bend last night after seeing a reportage on Al Jazeera on the boat.
    Most of the Freedom Boat passengers on the Rachel Corrie are Irish women.
