Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How The Russians Do It

 Day 42 of the leak.
Insane Problems Demand Insane Solutions!


  1. I'm surprised no one has suggested this.

    Is this too weird for even the likes of Rodeo Clown? Michelle Malkin? Ann Coulter?

  2. yes, it's too weird for the rodeo clown or any of his compadres...
    This would be about the destruction of BP's investment and those jokers don't even want to go there.
    Many scientists have advocated the use of explosives to collapse and seal the layers above the oil deposit. This would work, though you wouldn't really need atomic bombs to do it.
    It would be the way to effectively eal the leak and it should have responsibly been done weeks ago, but we have a ruined environment, the effects are only now being assessed...
    All because we allowed BP's investment and profits to take prority over the future health of the Gulf of Mexico.
    This would have taken an audacious act of heroic proportions, but I guess we just don't do that shit no more....
