Sunday, June 27, 2010

The No Blow Jobs Party

The latest polls in the Texas Gubernatorial Race have incumbent, Rick Perry, the longest serving Governor in Texas history and heir apparent to George W Jr. as being tied, neck and neck with Ex Houston Mayor, Democrat, Bill White.
Perry is even sinking in the polls which only a few months ago indicated that Texans were eager to see their governor go on to mount a Presidential bid in 2012.  
Can it have anything to do with the Teabagging of the Party platform which has put the state of Texas in the center of the spotlight as the wingnut capital of conservatism?
We read about the debacle of the attempt ot revise the educational system and impose a ridiculous revisionsit rewriting of American History which glorified the Confederacy. Joseph McCarthy, and denied the history and legitimacy of the Civil Rights movement in America. The punch line was that after they approved the propaganda rewrite, the state couldn't find the funds to pay for the books....
Then we had to endure the national shame of Republican Congressman, Joe Barton, groveling before British Petroleum, offering his apology because The Obama Administration had the audacity to hold them to their responsibilities.....If this wasn't an unatural politcal sexual act, lubricated by hydrocarbonic grease....aauugghhh!
Well, perhaps the highjacked Texan Republican Party has put the final nail in their coffin with the platform they adopted

The Texas Republican Party has passed its new election platform, including a ban on pornography, oral sex, gay marriage, sodomy, strip clubs -- they also want to ditch the Federal Reserve, "withhold Supreme Court jurisdiction in cases involving abortion, religious freedom, and the Bill of Rights," "oppose the implementation of one world currency" (why was I not informed of this One World Currency? It would sure make travel simpler!), and get the US out of the UN.  (here's a link ), and here's some verbatim highlights.
The GOP there has voted on a platform that would ban oral and anal sex. It also would give jail sentences to anyone who issues a marriage license to a same-sex couple (even though such licenses are already invalid in the state). "We oppose the legalization of sodomy," the platform says. "We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy."
Ah yes, the "no blowjobs party" -- that'll bring out the vote! 


  1. Hello Muddy,
    Boy have you made my day. I am so glad that you passed on the fact that, “after the Religious Wingnuts of the Texas School Board approved the propaganda rewrite of their school books, the state couldn't find the funds to pay for the books....” Oh the Precious bunch of Fucktards!!!

    Now The Texas Republican Party has passed its new election platform, including a ban, oral sex!?!?..... I’m sorry but I am a Republican who has “Oral Sex” (receiving and giving) in my prenuptial marriage contract with my wife. Texas needs to say out of my bedroom…..or living room, den, kitchen, dinning room, vestibule, family room, back yard, front yard, lane……have I left anything out??

    Well I can say that there is not ONE Republican that I will be voting for this November!! Humm…I wonder what my wife has planned for tonight?...You have made me start to think things.

  2. Oh YES, and up against the Holy Oak Tree!!!

  3. Hello Microdot,
    Sorry but I was laughing so hard at the irony. Let’s try this again.
    Take Two!!
    Boy have you made my day. I am so glad that you passed on the fact that, “after the Religious Wingnuts of the Texas School Board approved the propaganda rewrite of their school books, the state couldn't find the funds to pay for the books....” Oh the Precious bunch of Fucktards!!!

    Now The Texas Republican Party has passed its new election platform, including a ban, oral sex!?!?..... I’m sorry but I am a Republican who has “Oral Sex” (receiving and giving) in my prenuptial marriage contract with my wife. Texas needs to say out of my bedroom…..or living room, den, kitchen, dinning room, vestibule, family room, back yard, front yard, lane……have I left anything out?? Oh Yes, up against and in the Holy Oak Tree.

    Well I can say that there is not ONE Republican that I will be voting for this November!! Humm…I wonder what my wife has planned for tonight?...You have made me start to think things.
