Sunday, June 13, 2010


It seems that the winner of the Democratic South Carolina Senate Primary, Alan Greene recieved many more voted than were actually cast in many Spouth Carolina Districts. It would seem that Greene is in way over his head after playing a game he thought might lead to quick payday. The story gets fishier and fishier with reports of other candidates who might have been Republican plants in other South Carolina Democratic Primary races.
But, even deeper, it's time for the ES&S IVOTRONIC VOTING MACHINES to be outlawed! These were the machines used in the SC Deomcratic Primary and they have been systematically proven to be flawed and vunerable to manipulation. If there ever was a case to take advantage of absentee ballots, the use of these machines makes it almost imperative. States which still use the machines are:
Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, North carolina, Ohio, Pennsyvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas , Virginia and Wisconsin.
If you vote in one of these states, I would highly recommend that you use an absentee ballot!
Just when you think that Texas has taken the lead as the sleazient State of The Union, South Carolina gets its second wind!


  1. That State-as-Insane-Asylum ought to attempt secession one more time and we ought to grant it as quickly as we can!

    Perhaps you, too, know an asylum candidate from that state.

  2. Hello Microdot and Muddy,
    In the early 1970’s, I was stationed in Charleston, SC. There was a large Navy base along with an Air Force base and Charleston was a small city that reflected the influences of service men from all over being stationed there making it a more diverse and tolerant viewpoint atmosphere. I did enjoy and loved that town.

    But there was also the local population aspect. The Slave Auction House was still standing and was a sort of museum, the Citadel, (the Southern Navel Academy) whose cadets in 1860 fired on the U.S. Federal Navy at Fort Sumter staring the Civil War, and there was still with some the “Separate but Equal” (some what) aspect that was still there. Many of the local night club bars / Pubs were (wink wink nudge nudge) “Private Clubs” and you had to be a member to get in. Now I being white could get a trial membership for one night right on the spot and had to take 5 minutes to fill out an application before going in.

    But in today’s climate of the religious fundamentalist raising their ugly head and gaining more influence, South Carolina has returned to the “Good O’l Days” of 1860 radicalism. The “Good O’l Boys” now controlling the Republican Party in South Carolina are as Klan-ish as they ever were. This is very sad for me as I really do have some very fond memories of my time in Charleston.
