Friday, June 18, 2010

Texas Is Back! #1 Skeeziest State In The Union!

"I would like to apologize to BP for letting our worthless pelicans 
soak up their valuable oil!" 
It's a close neck and neck, well, you are free to choose your anatomical description, race.
South Carolina was edging out there for a few days with the election of Alan Greene, but today, the Democrats said they were "cool" with the results and nobody in South Carolina can figure out how to operate the voting machine memory hardware anyway, so fuck it.
But Joe Barton's apology to Tony Hayward, the President of BP for the "Chicago-style shakedown slush fund" payoff of 20 billion brokered by the Obama Administration for the Gulf Oil Spill has firmly put Texas back in the #1 spot! Hoopla!
Now we at least who owns who in Texas! In case you missed Bartons heart felt sincere apology, here it is:

"I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday," Barton said. "I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case, a $20 billion shakedown."

Let's find out who else Mr. Barton has apologized to lately 
Read Rep. Barton's heartfelt apologies to Darth Vader, the Confederacy and Hurricane Katrina (among other injured parties) here.



  1. Hello Microdot,
    I just shook my head that someone with the status of a Congressman making such a outlandish statement…..I guess is should be the local citizen and national taxpayers to bailout and take it up the ass once again so the Oil Executives can award themselves $100 of Millions in bonuses. After all they have needs!!!

  2. And, gentlemen, I might ask this question: doe either of you have any doubts that Mr. Barton will be reelected the next time around?

  3. Well, he is the biggest recipient of Oil Money in Congress..the skeezy old whore got 1.7 million dollars in campaign contributions from corporate oil.
    We are talking Texas here and oil is the lubricant for the perverted version of politics they practice there...
    Now bend over Joe...we'll give you another 1.7 million dolars if you can touch yer toes and hit high C this time!
