Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Faith Based Victory or Another E-Vote Robbery?

Yesterday's hotly contest race for the GOP's U.S. Senate nomination in Delaware ended in victory for the state's moderate, much-beloved former Governor and nine-term U.S. Congressman Mike Castle --- at least according to the tabulation of ballots cast in the race which can actually be verified by anybody as having been recorded accurately as per the voters' intent.

Verifiable Paper-Based Absentee Results:
CASTLE: 54.7% - O'DONNELL: 45.3%

Unverifiable Election Day E-Voting Machine Results:
CASTLE: 46.7% - O'DONNELL: 53.3%
Nonetheless, the Tea Bag/Palin/DeMint endorsed Christine O'Donnell, who was getting trounced in the popular Castle pre-election polls until only recently after getting losing twice in her quest for the US Senate seat, was declared the "winner" yesterday in spite of the fact that no one can prove that she was actually elected or not.
But that seems to be good enough for the "balls to the walls" (I'm only quoting Rush Limbaugh in his condemnation of Karl Rove for his criticism of O'Donnells seeming victory) far Right Wingers, this "victory" was 100% faith based, since it's impossible to know if even one citizens vote cast on the 100% unverifiable e-voting machines that Delaware forces voters use was recorded accurately.
That said, while we've seen examples of similar disparities between paper-based absentee results and electronically cast results before (the unknown Alvin Greene's "victory" over Judge Vic Rawl in South Carolina's recent Democratic U.S. Senate primary comes to mind) there are logical-ish reasons --- as there always are, in every election --- to justify O'Donnell's computer-reported "victory" yesterday
To be fair,O'Donnell received a late endorsement from Sarah Palin on September 9th, just 5 days before the election. That brought with it a surge of last-minute support from the "Tea Party" and others. The absentee vote percentage was quite small. (1,499 absentee ballots versus 56,083 cast on election day) So you are cautioned to against reading too much into the percentages of O'Donnell votes on the ballots cast before the Tea Bag endorsement of Palin.
The point of this post is: Who knows? Absolutely nobody does. O'Donnell doesn't. Castle Doesn't and the State of Delaware doesn't. Even the manufacturer of the e-voting system used in the election, Danaher/Guardian, would be unable to prove who won or lost the race.
While the Republican establishment is beside itself after last night's reported results (Castle, who they'd supported, was thought to be an easy win over Democratic nominee Chris Coons, while polls currently show O'Donnell getting trounced by him), the same 100% unverifiable e-voting systems will be used again in Delaware (and 20% of the rest of the nation) on Election Day on November 2nd this year. If O'Donnell loses the general election --- or wins --- there will be no way to prove that she did --- or didn't.
"Tea Baggerss" who support O'Donnell, and who claim to give a damn about representative democracy and self-governance, would be wise to finally start taking notice of the real threats to our supposedly inalienable right of self-rule. HINT: The threat ain't ACORN.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    As you well know that I live on the Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia) Peninsula and we are very in tune with what goes on the Peninsula no matter if you live on the Maryland side or Delaware boarder. I live on the Maryland side but work and shop in a town located Delaware just 5 miles away.

    No one saw Christine O'Donnell replacing the 30 year moderate Republican Congressman Mike Castle. Even as late as last week, the Moderate Republican Mike Castle had her beat by double digits. I can tell you that as Delaware is a more moderate Democratic state, I have not met anyone who voted for O’Donnell. The Tea Party does not have a large presence in Delaware….so go figure?!?

    So in summation, O’Donnell being so far to the right (she even has Sarah Palin glasses and ends some of her statements with the patented, “You Betcha”) when she comes up against the moderate Democrat…..she will loose. All O’Donnell (and Sarah’s Teabaggers, “if they exist in Delaware,”) has done is loose the Republican Congressional seat to the Democrats.

    Just like Oliver Hardy use to say to Stan Laurel….GOOD JOB Sarah and Chrissie…..this is another fine mess you have got us into!!!

    Good Luck to us all my friend. :-)

  2. Yeah, in reality, this tea bag thing is going to become the proverbial Tar Baby of the Republican Party.

    So now, Delaware has an official anti-masturbation candidate...Oh the guilt, the denial, as the queen said to her son Edward in the BlackAdder the First series,
    "It's not the sheep in your bed, Edward, It's the lying that hurts me!"

  3. So apparently, those who voted in the GOP Delaware primary 'believe' that their state is better represented by this dingbat rather than the competent, steady hand of a proven leader and statesman?

    Oh Delaware! Why hast thou fallen so low?

  4. One of the signs of facism is rigged elections: although it would be interesting if the election is rigged for the Dems to win. Still, the victories of "tea party" candidates is very frightening as they represent a right-ward and reactionary trend in US politics. To be quite honest, I believe the US has become a facist state.

    Not that it would be without precedent, as Hitler was democratically elected.

    Additionally, as long as the people are content, there will be no disruptive forces. Or disruptive forces can be channeled into groups such as the tea party.

    Unfortunately, the US progressive movement receives little if any attention these days.

    It's too bad that the tea party is presented by USMSM as the only alternative there is.

  5. What the tea party people are saying is that, "if you're elected and, you're not listening...out you go".
    I foresee the same thing happening to the democrats soon as well.

    You can thank Nancy Pelosi for helping it all come to a head with her
    "We have to pass this bill before you can see whats in it" line of elitist arrogance.

    You're free to live in denial but, many democrats (not socialists but, democrats) have had enough of that pontificating bullshit from the party as well.
