Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ducking Chair Time......

(from Think Progress)
Eleven years ago a boisterous Christine O'Donnell confessed to Bill Maher and his ABC audience that she'd dated a witch, "dabbled into witchcraft" and even went on a midnight date involving blood on an altar.

Maher aired the Oct. 29, 1999 clip last night on the season premiere of his HBO show "Real Time." You can watch it above. Maher repeatedly called O'Donnell a "nice" person, and twice noted, "I created her!"

O'Donnell appeared on his "Politically Incorrect" nearly two dozen times, speaking about her faith and her conservative beliefs. Now she is the Republican Senate nominee in Delaware.

"She does not have a mean bone in her body," Maher told his HBO audience during his opening monologue, telling them O'Donnell is "an unemployed, anti-masturbation activist and a close friend of mine."

Such a close friend, in fact, that Maher threatened to show a clip each week until she agrees to an interview on "Real Time."

"She's nice and I have the proof," Maher said. "I have 22 episodes, Christine. If you're watching, I created you, you need to come on this show. If you don't come on this show I'm going to show a clip every week. I'm the only one who has them. I ordered them."

Then Maher did the big reveal, a short segment which included actor Jamie Kennedy listening incredulously to her story.

"I dabbled into witchcraft," O'Donnell says in the clip.

"I didn't join a coven, Let's get this straight," she says, as Kennedy asks her questions. "I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not makin' this stuff up. I know what they told me they do."

O'Donnell, sporting super permed hair, a blue sweater and black pants, then describes "one of my first dates with a witch."

It was "on a satanic altar and I didn't know it, and I mean there a little blood there and stuff like that," she says. "We went to a movie and had a little midnight picnic."
This is the woman who claims she only made $5800 annually for the last 5 years, yet manages to be able to live a Republican style, upper class senate candidate lifestyle....
Maybe it is really witch craft!



    The "Frankenstein" monster that the GOP created to maintain power - embracing far right wing social conservatism. Is alive... IT'S ALIVE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

    And it's brain is Abby Normal.

  2. Hello Microdot,
    Great information posting!! And this is the Darling of Delaware’s Republican Senator Candidate!!!!

    Now the Aryan Nation is holding a rally supporting the Tea Party and O’Donnell in Bethany Beach, Delaware today. It is all just too precious.

    Hello Steve,
    Let's have a toast to old Abby Normal. Cheers!!!
