Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Between a house full of visitors and computer meltdowns I haven't been able to be on line much at all. I am going to have a brand new imac in just 8 days! But for the next few days, I may not be able to post...sorry...


  1. I'm gonna miss your wisdom and recipes!

  2. I'm posting from my wifes computer because my old heap won't even turn on today...tomorrow am it will turn on....
    I will post again soon but things are hectic! Visitors and getting ready to go to the USA for a few weeks...
    Stay tuned!.

  3. Microdot,
    I will be missing you until you return. Have a safe trip my friend and enjoy.

  4. Well,I have one computer that is on the fritz (out of four). It would be nice to have that excuse to not go on the blog and such.

    While I miss you all when I am not online, I do have to profess being a closet Luddite.

    I'd love to get away from the hundreds of e-mails I find come my way.

  5. I know what you mean laci...
    but this has definitely put a crimp in my underwear,,,
    I hate the keyboard on my wife's laptop. To complicate matters, I am in the midst of organizing a visit to the USA in 2 weeks time and all the arrangements are on line....
    hopefully, the new imac arrives on monday...they also had a deal for a free printer, so I can simplify my electrical set up...I have an ancient american scanner, which needs a voltage converter....
    now all I need is a new USB hub!
    I will try to post something between now and then.
    It's just hard to work when you don't have your "space"!
