Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sarkozy Versus The Gypsies

(please, play this on a full screen with the volume turned up all the way and try to dance!)
VAMA feat. Ralflo - Sarkozy versus Gypsy

We love to live and we live to travel
Alalala like it, alalala like it
Hop! Hop! Alalalikeit

We're looking for the better way
But you decide we cannot stay
Hop! Hop! Alalalikeit

You take the right to dream, to work
Three hundred euros won't buy hope
Alalala like it, alalala like it

The fingerprint is not our soul
We're human beings first of all
Alalala like it, alalala like it
Hop! Hop!

R: Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
The gypsies, gypsies

We ask permission to love your country
Why don't you like it, why don't you like it
Hop, hop,
Why don't you like it

If all the gypsies were to steal
Tour Eiffel would disappear

Alalalikeit, alalalikeit
Hop! Hop!

The world belongs to all the people
Gypsy people is not people?
Hop! Hop!
Gypsy groove and French chanson
We all play l'accordeon
Alalala like it, alalala like it
Hop! Hop!

R: Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
The gypsies, gypsies

Ilegal! Ilegal! Ilegal!
Ilegal! Ilegal! Ilegal!
Ilegal! Ilegal! Ilegal!

La France s'imprègne d'un sale arôme
Ca blaire le pogrom le long des aérodromes
Ils brisent, rasent les palettes des romantiques
Vident nets les caravanes de leurs sérums
Culs secs, 3 shooters puis on gerbe le rhum
Expulse par tripes aéroportées c'est des roms
Ce Roméo atterrit en Roumanie
Juliette est un homme elle l'a bannit Abolit
Les frontières Comme Ebola
Elle boula sa définition
Du vrai Rome Surhomme
Consensus de leur forum
Y'a de quoi écrire des milliers de romans
On est tous des fils de tzig, de nomades, de migrants
Sarkozy lui continue d'en faire des tonnes
Alors que tous les chemins mènent aux Roms

(France smells like a bad aroma
It's like a riot along the runways
They are crushing, demolishing the vivid dreams of the romantics
Remove their serums from all caravans
Cash, 3 shooters and we throw up the rum
The Rom(a) sent away, guts by airmail
This Romeo lands in Romania
Juliet is a man, she banished him
Abolished borders as Ebola did
Definition of Roma, the real, modified
Superman, consensus, all abide
One could write thousands of novels about
We are all sons of gypsies, nomads, migrants
Sarkozy continues to do a lot
But still all roads lead to the Rom(a).)

R: Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
The gypsies, gypsies

R: Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
Hey, hey Sarkozy why don't you like the gypsies
The gypsies, gypsies, gypsies

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