Monday, December 13, 2010

357.15 mph

Beats sitting in Traffic!
There are some days when you really have to thank the Republicans for their extremism. LA Times:
The federal government Thursday redirected $624 million in economic stimulus funds from other states to the California high-speed rail project, bringing the total available for building the line to about $5.5 billion.

California was one of 11 states to share in the redistribution of $1.2 billion in high-speed rail money that had been approved for Ohio and Wisconsin.

When the recently elected Republican governors of the two states asked to use the funds for other proposals, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood denied the requests and shifted the money to high-speed rail projects in the other states. California's share was the largest.

1 comment:

  1. That was just the first of what will become a long list of idiocies from the newly-elected governor of Ohio. Now he's aiming his bloody carving knife at the poor and jobless and unions. Kasich says he'll do away with an executive order that gives home health care workers and child care workers paid by the state the right to unionize. Sounds like Reagan all over again!

    Kasich said, "There are obvious areas to save money by privatizing, trimming "costly and inefficient" programs like Medicaid, reducing what he sees as a costly bureaucracy running public schools and redirecting more of that money into classrooms, consolidating agencies that provide duplicative or competing services, or eliminating union-scale wages on public construction projects or sending only violent criminals to prison."

    Ohio is getting what the voters asled for [or did they even know?]
