Saturday, December 11, 2010

An American STASI? Noooooo.....

You know, I was contacted by a person posting on blogger who used the name "police" to let me know that police were very important because before police forces existed, bad people could do what ever they wanted. This was a comment on my post "In Defense Of A Good Thang" in which I initially voiced my support of Julian Assange and wikileaks.
When I, out of curiosity, tried to find out who "police" was, I was directed to a a website, Massachussetts Cop, a very official looking page indeed. In fact if I hadn't investigated further,
I would have surmised that it was in fact, an official government information site.
It isn't, but it is a very good example of how we are sinking into a an East German surveillance mode of consciousness. I am not an activist, but this individual had obviously been doing a google search of blogs writing in a positive manner regarding wikilleaks and has made it his job to use his very official looking law enforcement website to try to intimidate and suppress freedom of expression.
Mr. police, please correct me if I am wrong.....


  1. On the subject of dildoes, one of my science blogs had an article on the discovery of a [pardon the pun] rock-hard penis that a man found while digging in his yard.

  2. IN the village of Les Eyzies in the Valley of the Vezere in the Southern Dordogne, there is the pre eminent museum of prehistoric artifacts in the world. In a not too prominent display case there are a wide selection of prehistoric dildoes of all sizes...though none have the heads of an American president. They all were found here and date approximately from 15,000 bc.
