Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And The Survey Says....


  1. So the U.S. ranks closer to the SAudis than to Europe. Figures!

  2. right between South Korea and South Africa.
    but, the entire religious issue really links to your recent article on swarm behavior. I was watching coverage of the recent Shiite Festival in Iran, or the Hadj and thinking of the phenomena of Mega Churches in the USA,,,,
    What is the difference, except in scale?

  3. Swarm behavior! Perfect reference when one sees footage of the swarms of men circling the black rock in Mecca. From a distance it must appear not unlike a bee hive with mindless buzzing and useless babble.

  4. and how does the phenomena of "speaking in tongues" in the contrived environment of a fundamentalist mega church relate to this?
    the phenomena of a mass induced neurosis, an experience triggered by swarm mentality, a controlled psychedelic experience enhanced by manipulating the basic fears and profound mysteries of our existence...

    religion is a very powerful control tool...
    but it is rooted in the 2nd stage of the development of our human consciousness. It is what made the pyramids possible, but that was thousands of years ago. Tribal insect behaviour that served the preservation of the species well, but now we are evolving to an outward, universal reality. I believe this and we have to get through this bottleneck of evolution if we are to have a future as a specie beyond the confines of this planet.

    The dinosaurs screamed in defiant terror in the blackness as the frigid darkness descended after the great meteoric impacts that triggered their extinction, meanwhile, small furry mammals scurried about and found shelter and survived and evolved.....

  5. The bottom of the graph says 18K adults were surveyed for this, and that they were spread out over 23 countries in percentages we aren't given. My thought would be that statistically the number surveyed is probably too low to really count as representative, except in countries that are dogmatic and strict about religion (like America...)
    Other than art and music, I have a tough time thinking of a positive influence organized religion has had on the human race.
    Most of the suffering in the world, including wars, territorial disputes, terrorism, all link back to religious disputes of some kind.
    What it's doing to America ought to be our number one concern, especially in the age of the War on Xmas bullshit we keep hearing about... and anti-mosque sentiment, and religious profiling for air flights, etc.
