Monday, December 20, 2010

Six Degrees Of Assassination

Julian Assange, Karl knew there had to be a connection somehow, someway. And the answer is Yes! In 2010, Rove was hired by the present Prime Minister of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfelt to do what he does Reinfelt get re elected using the sure fire techniques of subterfuge and character assassination that Rove has poisoned American politics with.

Speaking to Legal Schnauzer's Robert Shuler, an unnamed source suggested that Rove is likely "playing a leading role in the effort to prosecute" Assange. The founder of the secrets website was arrested Dec. 7 in London after Sweden issued a warrant for alleged sex crimes.
After Assange's release on bail, Guardian obtained and published leaked details of the allegations against him. A WikiLeaks source told The Australian that the leaked police reports were "a selective smear through the disclosure of material."
And there's no coincidence that the charges against Assange originate in Sweden, Shuler's source said.
Assange is being called a terrorist in the press these days, but let's look at what this "terrorist" has actually done:
If anyone wants to go there, let's have a quick review again of some of the "terrorist" WikiLeaks reports and then decide who is the actual problem. This is only a small portion of the material. Let's think about what country has decided to pressure businesses such as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal to halt payments despite the lack of any charges against WikiLeaks. And let's not forget about the government censorship in China US.
US irritated by EU privacy laws.
Bank of America bans WikiLeaks payments despite no charges. They simply disagree with the message, which is a new chapter in the American system of politics.
- Taxpayer money used for 
child sex slavery in Afghanistan.
- US 
oil giant Chevron discussed oil drilling in Iran despite US laws which forbid such agreements.
BP had oil well blowout like Deepwater in Azerbaijan months earlier.
Failed UK bank directors "failed to live up to their duties"
Vatican pressured Ireland to grant immunity to priests in child rape cases.
Pfizer used "dirty tricks" in Nigeria in attempt to avoid prosecution.
US conspired with China to block environmental reform in Copenhagen.
Saudi Arabia is a "terrorist ATM"
Senior Chinese Politburo member involved in Google hack
Yemen offered US "open door" for missile attacks.
Afghan VP arrived in Dubai with $52 million (possibly US taxpayer money)

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